Libra Ravenclaw

22 3 0

(September 23 - October 22)

the Scales of Justice. Cardinal, air, yang - planetary ruler: Venus. Keywords: "I BALANCE"

All Ravenclaws are intellectual, but Ravenclaw Libras have their heads in the clouds more than most (Pisces Ravenclaws may have them beat, but not by much). They are romantic and idealistic, and prefer to live in the world of pure theory rather than in the messy world of action. While social and pleasant, they are still quiet and shy, and rarely make the first move when in a group of people. In the classroom, they tend to wait to be called on, or raise their hands when they are sure that no one else knows the answer, but they do tend to be the teacher's pet on a fairly regular basis. It's hard to hate them for this, because they are so pleasant to everybody. Ravenclaw Libras are the most speculative (and indecisive) of all Libras, because they have the intellectual capacity to explore all ramifications of every action and reaction.  


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