Apocalyptic war

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it was november 13th 2024 when it all began . the armys scientist were working on a cure to bring back dead loved ones ,so nobody would morne ,nobody would have to feel the pain of loosing someone that you love

and they did ......but it all went terribly wrong ,and the dead is dead after all ,it should of been left dead....the ones they experimented did come back ,but not as the living they once were ,they could wlk and sprint,groan,click,spit acid,bite and scratch ... but they ate flesh ,and if you were bit of got scratched by one then oh got you would be screwed ,you would turn within an hour of being bit,

now this story is set in 20465 about a girl called Faith , she was sexteen and born in this shithole of a apocalyptic war,so it was kill or be killed for her growing up not sunshine and rainbows or sugar coated shit , her father was Spike Valentine her mother kylie and her brother was slyck , her father was a phyco that was trying to rule the world he was a leader or northwitch , hr was at war with gloria the leader of morrowvill

it was a dark night and the Valentines were in there home,it was heavily snowing out ,guards were patrollingthe area r northwich and faith had snook out her bedroom window ,again, she ran covering her tracks behind her,she had her leather jacket on and a dark blue ballgown on,

nobody seen her as she ran away,she kept to the darkness but stayed away from the woods ,nobody in there right mind would enter the woods but if they did they wouldnt get back out

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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