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I feel like it's been ages that I am climbing this hill. I have been to other places as well but it wasn't as difficult as this one. I kept following the path that lead me to the top, but for now all I could see were the cold big trees that  surrounded me. Birds chattering somewhere, the whistle of the wind. I couldn't give up now, even though I am feeling tired. They said that it was going to be amazing, and it was worth it. My legs wanted to give up but I kept pushing myself. I just knew my destination was a bit further. When I began to see the light, I was elated. I knew that I had finally made it to the top. My heart began to beat faster as I started to walk briskly uphill. When I finally reached on top, I could see that there were no trees, it was an open space, made of natural rock. I moved towards the center of the area, I was too tired but I did not care, I also knew that it was going to be harder to go down but probably faster but I just wanted to admire the view as the scene was breathtaking. The world seemed so small from here, no  clavering of the people, no honking of the cars, just birds chirping as they headed back home and the whistle of the wind. The most amazing part was the sun set. I was lucky that it did not rain, there were no clouds and when the sun began to sink the color of the sky changed. The sky began to turn light to orange, then red , then dark blue. I could see the stars now as they twinkled in the night sky and I knew it was time for me to go back even though I wished to stay there for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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