Chapter 1

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Luna p.o.v

I woke up from the sound of glass shattering. I quickly jump up and  I looked over at my alarm clock. It read 2:04 am. I got up from my bed and I grabbed the closest weapon i could find. I headed for the stairs. I heard a loud crash and instantly jumped causing me to fall down the stairs. The sound of me falling down the stairs and my screams alarmed whoever was here. So they know someone is here. I sat up and felt blood trickle down from my temple. It started getting blurry i couldnt see or think straight.

"Hello?" I called out quietly. Great luna you are know the stupid white girl in a scary movie. I tried to get up but instantly fell again because of my foot. I touched the big bruise and flinched from the pain. "I think i broke my ankle." I whispered to myself. Ya of course you did, you idiot. I ignored my annoying thoughts and looked around for the weapon i dropped. I heard loud footsteps coming my way and i started to freak out. I felt my throat get tighter as it got harder to breathe. I crawled to the closest hiding spot and hid myself perfectly from the man/woman/unicorn i have no idea. Whatever it was it was walking faster towards me. The footsteps stopped right where i was hiding. I tried not to make a sound which worked. I was impressed with myse- NO! Luna this is a serious situation no time for credits. The man/woman/unicorn thing  started walking away and i let out a sigh of relief. I looked both way to make sure the "thing" was gone. No one was there so i thought it was a signal to get out of there. Once i got up i dust myself off and started darting for the door. When i turned around to see if he was following me i hit a hard surface. I fell backwards on my butt. I looked up to see a scary man with a ski mask on. He covered my mouth and picked me up by my hair. He held up a gun to the side of my head. "Dont you dare make a sound. Understand?" His voice was low and raspy. It sent chills down my spine. I hesitantly nodded. "Good" He started getting closer to me. I couldnt move i just froze. He pushed me against the wall with a loud thump. He looked me up and down while licking his lips.

"Cut!" The lights turn on and i couldnt see at first. My bestfriend Ian that played as the scary guy helped me down. He was my childhood friend and ever since i met him we both wanted to act. Luckily we got into the same movie together which was a dream come true. Im just glad we can hang out together since we went to different college. I guess his mother was picky on colleges.

"You did amazing!" He said with amusment. "Thanks! You did amazing too! I actually had goosebumps!" i said. "I know." He said with a smirk. "Cocky much?" We both laughed. I felt a sharp pain in my back and i winced from the pain. "Whats wrong?" He asked concerned. "Oh! Its nothing. Just my back." He looked at me with worried eyes. Ian has been protective of me ever since we met. He is like an older brother i never had." I got some pain pills in my trailer. Come on." He grabbed ny hand and practically dragged me to his trailer. We got to his trailer and he unlocked it. We got inside and he went to the back while i sat on his couch. I looked around his trailer and it was really clean. It was suprising to see because he hates keeping things he owns clean or organized. He came back with two pills in his hand. "Here these should work. They wont last for long though." He said with a sympathetic look. "Its alright. Thank you for these." He nodded his head. "No problem. Anything for the most awesome sister in the world." We both laughed until both of our stomachs hurt.

" OH! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!" He said with a big smile on his face. "WHAT IS IT?" I yelled back mocking him for screaming. He gave me a serious face and i instantly knew to stay quiet. " I met someone! He is the most amazing person ever." Did i forget to mention Ian is gay. The thing is he doesnt look like it. He gets girls to hit on him 24/7 and the awkward part is saying "sorry im gay." I kinda feel bad for him. He is still the most amazing friend ever. I looked at him with my best hurt face and put my hand over my heart. "Ouch!" I said pretending to be hurt. He looked at me confused at first and then quickly covered it with a smile. "After you of course." I smiled back. "Whats his name?" I asked while leaning back. "Mickey" He covered his ears and waited for me to react. I have never screamed so hard in my life.

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