My OCs

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I'll make a list of my OCs. Some of them are from my books, because I'm running out of ideas.

My OCs:

Name: Sol Prewitt
Age: 14
Birthday: May 18
Patronus: ginger cat
Animagus form (if any): ginger cat
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Sexuality: Pansexual
Wand: 13 3/4 inch hazel wood with Phoenix feather
Face claim: Dominic Sherwood
Family Members: Molly Weasley (aunt), Cecilia Prewitt (OC) (mother), Fabian Prewitt (uncle), Gideon Prewitt (uncle), Weasley children (cousins), Arthur Weasley (uncle).
Relation to the cannon characters (if any): Nephew of Molly Weasley, a cousin to the Weasley children.
Personality: Painfully sarcastic, fidgety, studious, cutting, straightforward, cautious, loyal, dependable, smart, clumsy.
Quidditch position: Chaser
Tag 3 People: I don't have to, because I'm Satan 😈😈😈.

Name: Astrid LeStrange
Age: 16 (prefect) (Quidditch captain)
Birthday: November 5
Patronus: Yellow lab
Animagus form (if any): Yellow lab
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality: Straight
Wand: 12 inch cherry wood with dragon hartstring.
Face Claim: Kat MacNamara
Family Members: Bellatrix LeStrange (mother), Rodolphus LeStrange (father), Narcissa Malfoy (aunt), Draco Malfoy (cousin), Andromenda Tonks (aunt), Nymphadora Tonks (cousin)
Relation to the cannon characters (if any): Child of Bellatrix and Rodolphus LeStrange, nephew of Narcissa and Andromenda, cousin of Draco and Nymphadora
Quidditch position: Beater
Personality: Activist, feisty, loyal beyond all means, impulsive, acts before she thinks, shy when you first meet her.

Name: Florence Turner
Age: 11
Birthday: February 16
Patronus: Horse
Animagus: None
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Sexuality: Bi
Wand: 10 3/4 inch hazel wood with unicorn hair.
Face Claim: Victoria Justice
Family Members: Rose Turner (younger sister) (also a witch), Joseph Turner (father), Mary Turner (mother).
Relation to the cannon characters: None
Personality: Shy, quiet, brilliant, quick thinker, fast-paced, fidgeter, gullible, wise beyond her years, accepting.

Name: Nathaniel Silver
Age: 16 (prefect)
Birthday: July 10
Patronus: Wolf
Animagus: Wolf
Blood-Status: Half blood
Hogwarts House: Gryffindoor
Sexuality: Straight
Wand: 14 inch pine wood with unicorn hair
Face Claim: Keiynan Lonsdale
Family Members: Hydrus Silver (older brother), Juliet Silver (mother).
Relation to cannon characters: None.
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Personality: Witty, funny, always playing pranks, loves to run his fingers through his hair, nice to everyone except people who are mean to him, fair, brave, confident.

Name: Phoenix Black
Age: 35
Birthday: Twins with Sirius, idk his birthday.
Patronus: Cat
Animagus: Cat
Blood Status: Pureblood
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Sexuality: Heteroromantic
Wand: 12 inch cherry wood with Dragon hartstring
Face Claim: Lea Michelle
Family Members: Sirius Black (brother), Regulus Black (brother), yea, I'm too lazy to look up family trees.
Quidditch Position: Was seeker until she graduated.
Personality: Loyal, protective, anxious.

If I want to add any more OCs, I'll comment them with my forms. Those are my OCs for now. I will roleplay with you if you tag me, if I feel like it, or if no one role plays with you in two days. That's why I have OCs in every house.

Mischief Managed.

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