Part title

12 1 0

First Name: AB

Middle Name: Don't have one

Last Name: can't say

Gender:you can choose?( I won't care)

Class: Fighter and killer

Social Status:Rich person who lives with an Boss of an Organization

Birthdate: Not saying

Age: 16

Occupation: Theif/ Hunter

Ethnicity: Caucasian (British)

Species: Not human for sure

Personality:Not saying

Height: Can't say
Weight: Can't say
Hair colour: purple,white,blue-ish,green-ish,brown and black
Skin colour: Plae
Eyes: one green the other red
Body type: Fit

Weakness(es): Don't have any

Strength(s):Durability; Strength; Infrared Vision

Relatives: Deceased; Missing

Relationship Status: Single

Biggest Fear: None

Weapon(s): Pistols; Rapier

Fighting Skill(s):Firearms; Fencing; Fist fighting.

Other: Can't say

Individual role-playOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora