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  Castiel was starting his first year of high school. He was nervous nevertheless because he was shy and small for his age. Girls were even taller than him. He was also curvy like them so the vultures of the land of bullies will make fun of him. He was not excited.

Michael and Lucifer were in their jerseys because football players have to wear the uniform for the first day to create an image. The brothers headed to the car where Michael drove. Lucifer was smoking a cigarette in the passenger seat when Gabriel and Castiel were in the back not making conversation.

"Why can't I ever sit up front?" Castiel whined to Lucifer.

"Because you're a dwarf, dweeb," The older brother chuckled as he inhaled more smoke.

"Be nice," Michael intervened.

"Whatever, man."


After the brothers parked the vehicle, they headed towards the entrance. Castiel was carrying a heavy backpack with lots of stuff for each class. He was going to prepare this year! Gabriel had a backpack on also, yet it only contains a few items. Michael held a maroon binder in one hand as he slipped the car keys in his pocket. Lucifer only placed a pencil behind his left year with a cigarette in his mouth. He spit out the poison stick before stomping on the item with his foot as they strolled  inside.

"Is that all you brought?" Michael raised an eyebrow to Lucifer.

"I brought myself, didn't I?" The rebel chuckled, "I'm branching off so see you at practice," Lucifer smirked before slithering off.

"Don't get anyone pregnant!" Gabriel hollered as the second oldest flipped him off with a smile.

"I can never do that to my Megan, " Lucifer bickered as he turned a corner probably to see his girlfriend.

"I'm about to find Sam," Gabe announced as he strolled towards the library.

When Dean went home with Michael after practice throughout the summer. Gabriel found a liking to his younger brother, who went over once, and now they're best friends.

"It's just you and I kiddo," Michael messed up Castiel hair with a smile, "Before class I was going to meet up with Dean if you want to come with."

"Thanks, Mike."

"No problem, bro. I know how intimidating this school can be. I understand completely that you don't want to be alone."

The smaller brother nodded as they made their way to the gym. Dean was wearing his jersey shooting three pointers as Michael hollered.

"Whaaatt uppp, man?" The older brother smirked before doing his secret hand shake with the other boy, "You remember Castiel, right? He's the shy one," Mike introduced the young brother to Dean again.

"How can I forget little Cas," the Winchester tapped Castiel back before starting a conversation with Michael.

Castiel zoned out completely as he admired Dean and his beauty. He knew he should not crush on his brother best friend, but he couldn't help it. Dean was just perfect.

"Hey, Castiel. Class is going to start," Michael shook the younger brother out of his trance before they made their way to the hallway.

Castiel went to the direction to the bathroom because he had to piss, and he had at least five minutes when Dean and Michael laughed and converse their way to a different direction.

The bathrooms were at the end of the literature hall. The younger boy went to the first urinal and did his business before washing his hands. He rushed out the door before colliding with a stocky male. The man had a brunette hair with a glaring gesture.

"Watch where you're going," the British male shoved the small male aside before stomping into the bathrooms.

Castiel rolled his eyes before jogging to class not wanting to be late. He made it to his math class. He was taking a Senior class because he began the math for freshman in only sixth grade. He is at the top of his class.

His eyes caught sight of Dean, and he couldn't help but to smile.

"Yo Cas, are you lost?" The Winchester brother asked.

"Uh..no. I actually took all my math in middle school," the small boy scratch his head nervously.

"Uh man, that's amazing. Sit by me smarty," the older boy grinned as Castiel slowly made it to the empty seat next to Dean in the back.

This class is going to be amazing.


Castiel classes and day was alright. He awkwardly waved to his brothers and Dean in the hallway during passing times. He was about to head to the bus before his tiny bladder acted up.

You see, Castiel has to ride the bus home because his brothers spend time after school doing extracurricular activities. Lucifer and Michael go to football practice with Dean while Gabriel go goes to his book club with Sam that they began over summer.

The small brother finished up using the bathroom when the same grouchy male from the beginning of the day stormed in.

"Look who it is," the British lad hissed before shoving Castiel, "I want to let you know that Crowley doesn't get bumped into for careless actions. "

"Who is Crowley?"

"I am, idiot," the bully hissed before punching the poor freshman's face.

Castiel backed up with a shocked expression. His eye was tender as another fist went to his lip.

He made another bully. Not this again.


Castiel had to walk 2 miles home because he missed his bus. This great day was turning terrible. He was just glad he got away from this 'Crowley.'

He sighed when he realized his dad was not home from work. He'll be alone again as he threw his heavy backpack aside. The couch looked comfortable as he would lay down and nap for only an hour.


"What the hell?" A male voice shot Castiel's eyes open as the boy sat up.

His glanced around to see his distressed father behind his three brothers and Dean who were hovering him. Michael being the closest as his face was being investigated. He must've been sleeping longer than intended.

"What happened to you, Cas? You're lip is bleeding and you have a black eye," the oldest brother shockingly sighed.

"I I was hit," The smallest brother stuttered.

"By who?" Lucifer butted in cracking his knuckles.


"God I hate that dude. Pompous asshole," the second oldest hissed.

"I agree," Michael actually nodded at his polar opposite before smiling and glancing at Dean, "Are you in if Crowley gets near Cas that we totally beat the shit out of him?"

Dean laughed while crossing his arm, "I'm in."

"Me too," Lucifer smiled.

"I can hit him with my books," Gabriel exclaimed as everyone chuckled.

"Thank you guys," Castiel smiled lightly as Michael began to wipe excess blood of the small boy bottom lip.

"Thanks boys, I'm lucky I have you guys," Chuck smiled going in for a group hug after Castiel stood up, "Your mother would've been so proud."

Blood for blood.

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