I Am Not Your Brother

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Quote Inspiration: 

Thor: I will not fight you, brother!

Loki: I'm not your brother! I never was!


"Did you hear about the Prince?"

"You mean the monster? Yeah, he's dead now, by Odin I am thankful for that. Can you imagine if he became King?" 

"I would have left, I would have feared for my children... I'm glad that the Mighty Thor disposed of him." 

"It makes me shudder that he was living among us, I never much liked him anyway. He would never bring victory should enemies fall against us." 

"He would most likely have brought the enemy upon us, he was working against the crown I am sure. He probably never loved the King, Queen or even his adoptive brother." 

"A monster such as he could never love." 

These were the conversations Thor heard when he went to the tavern to drink. He spent more time there than the kingdom as of late, drinking away his problems. He told his father it was because of Jane, since he had shattered the Rainbow Bridge to stop his brother. 

It hurt to think of him, to think of Loki, his brother, dead. He took another sip of the alcoholic beverage, the liquid burning down his throat when he swallowed; he didn't care. He was thankful his hood was pulled up tight over his head, blocking the view of the nearby company speaking ill of his brother. Were it another day, he would have challenged them to battle for speaking of him in such ways.. but he couldn't muster the strength to do so. 

The entire kingdom hate his brother, all except his mother; something he was quite grateful for. Loki had always been smaller than him, less of a brute force and more cunning, but he was always loving. Loki loved their mother and brother more than his own life, their father? Not so much. When he had heard that Loki was not his blood brother, he didn't feel as betrayed as he should have been. 

Deep down inside, he had always suspected it, deep down he had always wondered why they were so different. It wasn't fair that Father had told them both that they were destined to be Kings when he obviously would hold the crown and not his little brother. 

"I am not your brother! I never was..." 

Loki's voice echoed through his head, the words that hurt him more than he thought ever could. Pushing up from his seat, he flipped the chair he had been sitting in, the entire tavern grew deathly quiet. His hood had flown back and the two that had been speaking earlier about the Prince suddenly turned pale. Thor said nothing, departing faster than he came. 

Once outside, he slipped his hood back on, listening to the mumbling on the street as night fell. The talk of the town was Loki. Loki the monster. Loki the heartless. Loki the unimportant one. Loki the unattractive one. Loki, the traitor. 

It was almost too much for the blonde haired warrior to bear, the sobs threatening to explode as they tickled his throat. He needed his brother, he needed someone who was level headed and could listen to him and then make sense of what was going on. They might have fought or argued or not even seen eye to eye... but they had always loved each other. After all, they weer brothers, at least in his mind they were. 

Sinking down in an alley way, Thor felt hot fresh tears come down his face, his mask broken. Quiet sobs rocked his massive body, thankful for the shadows to conceal him. He didn't know how long he was there, it could have been hours. The darkness felt cold and distant from him, the nightlife of Asgard slowing to a dull roar. 

"Hello brother." 

Thor's voice snapped up, looking further into the alley. 

"Loki?" His voice replied, hoarse from the crying. "Is that you brother?" 

The stranger didn't reply, but the figure stepped out, smiling with his hands laced behind his back, but something seemed... off. 

Thor blinked several times, assuring himself it was not a dream but still... He rushed forward, colliding with the figure. He smelled the same, as his arms gripped him tighter. 

"Brother, how can this be... You have a heart, I hear it." His head now resting against his brother's chest. 

Loki's arm came around behind him, giving him a hug as he watched his brother try to think this through. "I'm not really here Thor. You're dreaming. Do you think I would ever call you brother after when we last saw each other?" 

Thor pulled back, new tears coming down his face. 

"But we are, no matter what father says you are my brother, nothing can change that Loki." 

"But by the definition, I am not he. My life has been a lie Odinson. I was but a treasure for your Father." The God of Mischief's voice sharp and angry. 

"No, we played together, we fought together..." Thor stepped back, trying to think, his vison blurry. 

"I was but a shadow to the sun." The figure stepped back, gone in the shadows just as he had lived his life. 

"LOKI!? Loki where are you?!" He called out, rushing around corners chasing an invisible shadow until he finally passed out against a stone just outside of town. 


Behind a tree, a figure clothed in black and green watched the exhausted Prince of Asgard cry himself asleep, unknowingly against the figure's grave. Loki held his lips tight to each other, having escaped into the memories of Thor from Thanos, but only for a moment. It was his attempt to call out for help, to try to get away from Thanos by asking for help... but nothing was ever as easy as screaming from the heavens that you were kidnapped by the most dangerous villain in the galaxy. 

No, this Loki's garments were torn, burn marks littering his body and gashes along his face. Blood, both old and new came from his mouth while he watched the one he once called his brother cry for him, but Thanos was there too, just behind him.

"Mmm sentiment." the Titan whispered as he saw a single tear slide down the trickster's face. "We shall take care of that." 

Thanos and Loki vanished, leaving the brothers to meet once again... on the battlefield. 

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