Chapter 18

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        I decided to pop into the shop later that day and, once again, surprise the most understanding staff the world could offer with Starbucks. It was nearing three o'clock in the afternoon and I imagined we'd have plenty of clients to work with. But my good thoughts were quickly shut down when I approached the entrance. The door was locked and the lights completely off. My colleagues had long lunch breaks, but in shifts so someone would always occupy the front desk and that didn't seem like the case. 

        I fished out my keys and unlocked the door. The studio was musty and humid, the loose hairs around my hairline sticking to my face. The temperature and the fact I couldn't breathe, because the air was so thick, told me no one had come in at all that day. 

        I set the coffee on the front desk and held my phone between my ear and shoulder, trekking to the back wall to flip the lights on. After two rings to Dereck's phone, it was abruptly sent to his voicemail. I quickly switched the screen to shoot him a message. CALL ME NOW. I didn't like playing boss and it didn't happen often, but this was down right absurd. 

        Heat and frustration moved through my body and it felt like I was going to be sick. Not only did Dereck reject my call, but not one of my workers decided to show up on a Friday, our busiest day. 

        I called Anna and Valerie, without any luck. Then the front door opened. It was a tall, very buff man, with the beginning stages of a sleeve on his right arm. I did recognize him but I couldn't remember from where. He looked nervous and like he didn't know why he came into my studio. 

        I quickly collected myself and put a cheery, convincing voice on, "Hi, how may I help you?"

        I straightened out my blouse and smiled at him. He was well beyond my height and scruff covered the lower half of his face. Then it hit me. 

        "Oh my god."

        I took a step back, shock freezing my limbs from doing anything. One part of me wanted to go up to his thick face and punch him as hard as I could, yet the other part just wanted to flee out the back door. 

        "Kay-" Nick said. 

        "No," I shouted, "Don't call me that. You don't have the right to call me that." 

        I prayed that he would stay on the other side of the desk, although it wouldn't do much if he decided to lash out to me. My heart was going to completely jump out of my chest and sweat started to form on my upper lip, partly because of the humidity and another part from the spiking fear. 

        "What are you doing here?" I yelled.

        Fear turned into liquid rage, quicker than I ever thought possible. 

        He cleared his throat and swallowed, digging his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

        "You wouldn't answer your phone and Bish told me you'd be here." 

        "Ben?" I started, "Bishop sent you here?"

        I couldn't believe he would send Nick to my parlor with the possibility of me being alone. To my luck, I was indeed alone, with no sign of anyone showing up. My eyes flared, showing both Nick and I that I was about to completely lose it. 

        "Look, Kaytie," he stepped closer, sending me to take a step back, "I just wanted to apologize."

        I extended my arm out and pointed at the door, "Get the fuck out."

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