1) No hidding

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Looking into the mirror there is only one question replaying in my head? why? Thats all i can ask myself. Why? Ill need to keep smiling and pretend nothing has happened. But i cant. no matter how badly i try to push back all that has happened in the last 24 hours with mother gone.

24 hours ago.....

"9...8...7...6...5.. 4321 here i come Eleina" I swim around to try and fine my little sister Eleina for hid and go seek. Shes doing a pretty good job hidding. I see a small light and look down at a rock. I set down the trident next to me and look closer. All the rulers have a trident but since my mom had to go to the other side of the ocean she left me incharge untill she returns in a week or so. I see a small red shiny rock and pick it up. Its a ruby. Whats a ruby doing here in the first place since they dont form in the ocean? A shadow slowly passed above my head several feet above me. I hear a deadly scream and fear struck my heart as i headed to where the scream came from. I hide behind a rock and peek to see whats happening. I felt my blood get cold as i saw what was happening.

Scubba divers where holding Eleina. She tried to get away but was shot with some sort of gadged. I scream out loud and hid behind the rock before they looked up. Oh my god what am i gonna do?

I grab my trident and head to the surface. So much anger built up inside of me and the only thing i want is revenge. I want to kill them.

The scubba divers are from some sort of cruise ship. Many humans inhabit this ship. Many innocent lives and children inhabit this ship. But the anger i feel is stronger. I seek revenge.

Lifting my trident up i feel the power in it. My eyes turn into a deep blue color and i say the forbidden words.

"Death shall come to those in its path. Away with them amd theirs lives shall vanish. Their blood spills all around as the storms shall wrech them all apart."

Pointing the trident towards them electricity sparks. We are far away from my home underwater so my people wont be able to hear all the ruckus.

Aiming towards the sky above the boat  fire and electricity shot to the sky long enough to cause a storm. My eyes still in a deep blue color my tail shines as all the enegry in me help to make the storm stronger.

The sky gets darker and the wind pick up force and speed as huge waves start to form. The clouds start to swirl around the light produced by the trident to cause the storm.

Wispers and gasps can be heard as i see humans look at me. Little kids start to admire my tail and the trident i hold. Small boats start to fall from the ship as woman and childer are escpaing in them. If they escape they will reveal me and my people.

Aiming my trident towards those boats i chant a second forbidden spell to erase the last 30 minutes of their memories. As my eyes turn to lighter blue i chant it.

"Eyes have seen whats forbidden. Mind has stored this secret. What was seen shall now be unseen. Block whats forbidden and always mantain it locked"

If the color of my eyes turn blue then i am chanting a forbidden spell. The darker the blue the darker and more dangerouse the spell.

If my eyes turn into purple the spell is allowed. Beginning spells are green and heavy and more complicated spells are blue green eyes.

The only ones left are men but they are asleep. All of them are asleep. It will only last 20 minutes. The small boats are still leaving but they are all asleep.

I leave and let the storm keep rolling as i go and check on my sister. The divers have vanished and my sister is still on the ground. Suddenly a pair of strong hands grab me from behind making me drop my trident.

I use my tail to swim us backwards fast and we hit a boulder. I call for the trident and it transforms into a sowrd. The sowrd adjust itself for my weight and hight. I stab him in the stomack and leave. Trying to swim to my sister as fast as i can the second diver aims the same gun at me that he did to my sister. He fires and i stick my hand out infront of me as my eyes turn green and imagine a invisible protctive bubble around me so that they cant hurt me. The small dart looking thing bounces back and falls to the ground.

I chant the spell i used to erase the last 30 minutes of his memories. Before he even got my sister. He falls asleep and i reach my sister. I dont see blood or a whole anywhere. Just that dart looking thing in her neck. I take it off her and pick her up. Ill take the dart with me and let Enrique take a look at it. Using the trident i point to the sleeping man and imagine his body lift. I take him to a near by continental shelf a.k.a underwater cliff. I do the same thing to the other dude who is most likely dead. I take a good look at him to make sure. Suddenly he opens his eyes and reveals green eyes. He looks scared as he sees me and says the next 2 sentences that makes me regret what i just did.

"Im...s-sor..ry i hurt ... you and your ...sis-sister. I also... have my ki...ds" he holds my hand as he slowly loses his life and lets go of me. Tears fall from my eyes as it hots me of what i have done. Im killing innocents and left kids without their dad. I lay my sister down gently in a bed of anemone as clown fish swim away.

I lift my trident and chant

"Revers what has been done. End the disaster that seeks for souls. Slow the hard wispers that scream for a body. Erase the darkness and reveal the light."

The sky clears up and the wind slows down. The waves calm themselfs and the storm slowly vanishes. If i kept it going it would have turned into a tornado and they all would have died.

I go back to my sister and swim away. I really do hope that the woman and kids as well as teens where able to get away. The boat was ruined but not to much as to where they would sink.

I feel movement in my arms and i look down to see my sister looking up at me with the grey eyes we both share from our father. She was asleep!

They wanted her alive! Not dead


Still looking into yhe mirror a tear threatens to fall.

"What have i done" i wisper and the tear falls landing on my chest where my heart is.


I really enjoyed writing this part. I wont write author notes unless its to explain something or explain why i will have laste ass updates

Till next time 😊

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