Chapter 1

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Harry's POV.

"Today's the day!" My mum Anne yelled into my room. I scoff and role my eyes at her playfully. I get out of my bed and step onto the cold floor of my basically empty room. A small stack of clothes to wear today and a few suit cases were all that was left. I quickly put on my clothes which consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain black shirt. I slipped on my boots and went down stairs. I was lazily greeted by my little sister Gemma and cheerfully greeted by my mum. I honestly couldn't wait to leave this little house, to many memories are trapped in the walls of this house. I scrunch my nose at my thoughts and brush them aside.

"Have some food before you leave." My mum instructs, I stick my tongue out at her and sat down next to Gemma.

"Can't wait till you leave!" Gemma laughs, mum gives her a ice cold glare.

"I'm just joking mum, I love him and don't want him to leave." Gemma noticed mums glare. I rolled my eyes at the two women.

"Yeah love you too Gem!" I laugh and kiss her cheek. She scrunches her nose and wipes her cheek off, causing me to laugh harder.

"That's enough Harold." My mum scolds me. Soon food takes over my senses and I dig in.

December's POV.

"So your getting a room mate now?" I ask Niall as we walk back to his dorm.

"I guess so." He shrugged. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

"I give him a week." I laughed, reaching Niall's dorm.

"For?" He asks and unlocks the door.

"Until he asks for a new dorm!" I snort, stepping inside as Niall followed behind me.

"Niall your back!" Louis said as if he were all alone. The others gave him a glare.

"God damn Louis it's not like you were alone." Zayn scoffed. Liam and Jake agreed.

"Damn I need more girl friends." I plopped down on the empty bed. The others laughed at me.

"What the fuck are you laughing at me for?!" I demanded, a bit irritated. It took me a moment to realize why they were laughing.

"Wow real fucking mature guys! You know I meant just more friends that are girls!" I yell. Their laughing stopped. Louis opened his mouth to say something but I glared at him.

"God damn someone's on there period." I heard Louis whisper to Liam, Liam nodded in agreement.

"Shut the fuck up Louis." I demand and everyone goes silent.

"So Niall your getting a room mate?" Zayn asks to break the silence, he nods.

"I'm not happy about it either! I bet he's going to be some damn nerd!" Niall says, pulling out a cigarette. Fuck that sounds good right now. I reach inside my pockets pulling them out along with a lighter. I quickly light mine. I stick it in my mouth and begin to blow puffs of smoke.

"Hey that's my lighter!" Louis whines. Why the fuck do I hang out with him in the first place? I throw the lighter at his head but he catches it.

"Probably will be!" Liam joins in. I shake my head at them and they look at me.

"What December?" Zayn questions me.

"Nothing I just give the nerd a week before he wants a new dorm." I scoff, blowing more puffs of smoke.

"I give him 3 days." Zayn pulls out his wallet, putting $20 on the bed that I'm sitting on. I do the same.

"I say 2 days." Liam chimes in, also putting $20 on the bed.

"I give him a day." Louis puts the money with the rest.

"Well I think he will last longer, so I say 2 weeks." Niall puts money on the bed. Jake just kinda sits there, I turn to look at him.

"What the hell do you bet?" I demand, he just gets up and leaves the room. Wow what a fucking loser, wonder what his problem is. Niall sits next to me, I climb on top of him and kiss him. The others just watch. I climb off of Niall and sit back on the bed. The others don't seem to mind it to much.

Harry's POV.

"Bye Gem!" I excitedly hug my sister one last time before turning to my mum who is in tears.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She cried tears of happiness as she hugged me.

"I'm going to be fine! I will call you as much as I can and visit!" I hugged her back. I went to my car and drove off. The drive to San Diego State University was a bit longer than I expected. The parking lot was crowded with new students and old students's cars. I eventually found a parking spot. I went around to the back and retrieved my bags and suit cases. With a little help I found the office and checked in and got my dorm and everything. After I found my dorm, I fully anticipated a room mate. I stood at the door, taking deep breaths. "Just have confidence, just have confidence." I kept reminding myself. Taking one last breath and letting it out, I opened the door. I felt 5 pairs of eyes on me, my cheeks turning a deep crimson red.

"You get that bed." A boy with some tattoos peeking from his shirt collar. I noticed it was the bed closest to the door and I quickly put my bags on it.

"December get off." He instructs and she just sits there. She was very beautiful, she wore a dark blue beanie that complimented her perfect Fiery red hair. She had on an oversized sweater and an assortment of rings and necklaces. She also had a nose piercing. Needless to say she was absolutely beautiful.

"No your bed smells like sex!" I heard her argue back. I chuckled and they looked at me again.

"Nothing." I focused on the floor.

"Just sit on the fucking floor then, I could care less!" The Irish boy argued back and she angrily got up and plopped really hard on the other bed. The boy just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Are you going to tell us your name or?" December asked in more of a demand. I looked up, sitting on my bed.

"Oh uh yeah- it's Harry." I introduce myself.

"I'm December." She introduces herself.

"I'm Niall your room mate." Niall sounds a bit irritated.

"That's Zayn, Louis, and Liam." Niall finishes introducing everyone to me. I gave them a small shy smile and turn to my bags and suitcases.

"You get the dresser for your shit." Niall orders, I nodded and unpack my clothes. I put all of my stuff away neatly. By the time I'm done, everyone has left the room. I check the clock on the wall it's already 5:30pm. Time sure does fly when your unpacking. I take a step to my side of the room. My side looks clean as the rest of the dorm is a mess. I hate messes so I decide to clean up. I picked up the laundry and took it down to where everyone does their laundry. Then I cleaned up the trash that was cluttering everywhere. After I finished the room it was 6:00pm. The door started to open, I panicked and dove under the blankets of my bed and pretended to sleep. I heard a few familiar voices. December and Niall are here, I wonder if Zayn Liam and Louis are here too?

December's POV.

"Holy shit Niall, your room is clean!" I laughed. Niall glared at me.

"Damn nerd." Niall muttered.


No just so you know it won't keep switching POV's like that during the whole story!!

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