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To everyone who followed these short, (unpredictable timing) stories.


Mainly for your patience.

I first started writing this when I turned 20, just like my other story written during my 19th year of breathing oxygen.

This series was named 'Jeune 20s' because when I first started, I wasn't sure how much of personal growth I would go through during my 20s and if I could I wanted to write about my thoughts, experience and feelings as a young 20 something.

As expected, since the beginning of these series and up till now, I have gone through major changes in my life- (I started this series as an carefree 20 year old with colored hair, dark lips and platform shoes and now I am ending this series with foot blisters from wearing stilettos, vaseline-ed lips and dyed black hair to resemble my original hair. I used to stay out till the first train, playing outside all night- and now I am rushing to get home to catch up on any naps possible by 8p.m). There really is a huge difference being a first year at uni and a third year, hehe.

These works have been very personal for me because I was able to write most of them during my most vulnerable times and though it may lack the professional way of writing or telling any kind of story, I thank you guys for being patient (especially @sakka3 ) and reading these chapters despite them not making sense most of the time.

Lately as a result of trying to concentrate on my future career, I often find myself losing this very sense of feelings and illogical thoughts. (I used to love my illogical thoughts because they were the seeds of my work) but now, my mind spends days and nights wrapped up around cold facts and bitterness.That is why I want to continue writing because I feel like this is the only way I can stay connected to these feelings I once had, to the thoughts that used to keep me up late at night and to you guys, whose words always reminded me that I am not alone.

I'll be coming up with a new series so stay tuned, hehe

Jeune 20s, Strange citiesWhere stories live. Discover now