Chapter six

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So.... Yeah. Today, I was doing nothing. Absolutely nothing. Then I decided to listen to some music. I was listening to Burn by Ellie Goulding and to tell you, I was energized. Ellie Goulding is awesome. Her voice, her face, her personality, she's basically just... beautifully perfect. I love her so much. A MASSIVE I LOVE ELLIE GOULDING!! Might wanna listen to it? And after that, Ellie Goulding's Explosion. It's really awesome.

Short chapter today, yes I'm sorry. I'm trying my hardest, people. har har. And to end my pointless drama this morning... here's today's chapter. Carry on, hamsters. :3

Chapter six= Lay down a list of what is wrong

The things you've told him all along.

=={How To Save A Life- The Fray}==



*Unknown guy

    I was walking down the sidewalks with my mother's favorite baby's breath flowers. I made it a monthly thing to visit her grave and since today is the 21st, I'm walking towards a place where all memories will never be forgotten. I was only seven when she died of heart failure and yes, that night was drastic and scary. I thought she was just there on the hospital bed because she was sleeping safe and sound. I was young and I was really close to my mother. She was sweet, gentle and caring.  But all good things must go back to heaven to serve God. I know she's watching us from above, guiding us in every possible way. I love my mom and I haven't fully moved on from her death but I accepted it. She will never be forgotten because she's staying in my heart forever.

     My train of thoughts were cut off when I saw a girl. No, not just an ordinary girl but a girl who looks like she's been going through a hard and rough time, dazing sadly at the gateway to the graveyard. She was around fifteen feet away but I can already see her tears. It must be really hard for this girl. I'm not going to deny the fact that she's really pretty. 'course she's just a girl I saw on the streets but that doesn't mean I cant call her beautiful right? Her facial structures are very defined if I do may say so. I mean, it's not everyday you see a ginger haired girl here in Breeze village. She has long and beautiful lashes, if it's even possible, she has a perfect nose and her lips are just... dry but once her face lightens up, she'll be really beautiful. Oh look, we've got an observer! I rolled my eyes at just the thought of me talking to myself. I noticed the guitar she held tightly. She must be really good at it.

     As I started to walk near, I cant help but be familiar with her. Have I seen her somewhere? or possibly even met her? Why? Are you hoping that you'd get to know her? Sometimes, my consciousness could really get annoying. Shaking the unimportant thoughts out, she began walking slowly pushing the gates aside as she entered nervously. Is she scared? Why was she so nervous? I followed her footsteps and decided to walk to the other side of the hills to where my mother was. Passing a small bridge to cross the little river below, I finally reached my mother's grave. This place's pretty big and the scenery is quite catchy and calming.

     "Hey mom. Nice to see you today." I smiled as I approached the stone. The breeze suddenly got colder than the usual and I always thought that this was the way she answers me.

     "You know mom, I saw a beautiful girl today. Yet, she doesn't look so happy at all." I stopped, waiting for the breeze.

     "She was standing outside the graveyards, crying. She was nervous and scared and I wondered why. I felt sorry for her. She must have been through a lot, right mom?" I paused again as I felt the breeze stop on my shoulder.

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