4: Crimson Stained Empress

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There was once a great Emperor, only he became obsessed with his own self.

When his Empress died, he did not honour her, and so her spirit did not rest...

The evil that lurks just away from sight, clawed its way within the Empress, she became deranged... Her spirit possessed the new Empress her former Emperor had crowned as his own. She then stabed him to death staining her white robes in Crimson, the Crimson Stained Empress then stabed herself before fleaing the mortality wooded body.

The King's guard found the sight early the next sun rise, as the care taker of first meals serving bellowed a cry of terror.

The guards of the blood line entered the room, and so floated a blood red Queen, the Crimson Empress.

Author's Note's: #5

This is the tragic tale of Love, loss and self interest. Truly, this tale was far ahead of its time.

From the City of Alchiros, in the days of Vesta.

Translation note: Evil and Darkness in Xentroa are the same word under different context.

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