《Looking Back》

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What?Tell me you liked hearing her talking and being a bitch
No but she has a baby we're not playing! (A)
I know.Shes not harmed yet
We need to take her out of here!
So our first journey will be back to 1450 when Veronica was pregnant to me.She told you that Grayson kicked her out.Camille too but..you must see what happened before that!
How do you know it?
Since I was running hell I could dig dipper to my hypothetical mothers history.So there it is.

You can't understand Grayson!I'm pregnant.The baby is yours!
I know Veronica.And I want you to keep it.Okay I raped you.But..this baby will grow up here to Camilles body.
No you cant take it from me!You won't take a witch to hex me.Okay?I'm gonna tell Cami the truth about what a monster you are!
Cami loves me.Do you think she's going to believe her sister?
Yes because I'm her blood..
When I raped you you enjoyed it
I may did but..this doesn't change anything!Rape is a rape
You're not going to do anything.Cami is pregnant with my child too.I want this and my child to grow up into Camilles body.
No!The baby is mine you can't take her away from me!
It's a girl Grayson.It's a sweet girl.
I don't care.You may be sexy as hell but Cami is mine and she'll be forever!

Your dad was a monster!
He was.He loved Camille but raped her sister.Awkward.Camille was pregnant to Katerina.And then she left.With me.We lived in a cave.I was borned in the woods.
I'm sorry for what happened to you Amelia
I'm not going to stop here.Veronica lied.She always lied to me.To you.To everyone.

Mum just let me see her for last time!
Katerina is gone!You'll never see that family again!
Shes my cousin!
No more talking Amelia!You'll stay here.You will not go to the Petrova house ever again!
I'm trying to protect you
I'm trapped into a cave!I want to be free with my relatives
Shes not your relative!End of the talk!
I'm leaving
Katerina will take me.I dont need you
Fine.Leave.But if you stay to that house.You won't return back to me understand?

I was only 16 years old and she let me leave.Alone.
But she told me that Katherine..
Katherine did nothing.She did.Lydia..you cant trust her.Im the one who you can trust.
(Jim tied Hayden to a chair with vervain)
So we're gonna leave her here? (A)
Shes quiet when she's snapped so yea (J)
(Hayden opened her eyes slowly)
Where am I...what the...?
Good morning sleepy head (E)
What?AHH!What is this?
Vervain sweetheart (Al)
What does she doing here?What am I doing here?Let me go!
Nope Hay..you're not going anywhere! (W)
And who's going to stop me?You?
No.Me (J)
Haha oh so funny.Probably it still bothers you that I left you twice for Adrian
Oh listen..
(He grabbed her from her neck)
You're going to kill your first and last love Jim?Not a good move.
(He left her)
I knew it.So easy.Can you at least give me a good explanation of why am I here?
To turn your humanity on again. (W)
Oh Wes you must be so stupid to think that i'll actually listen to you.Because I won't.And I'll never will.
You know that in nine months we will have a child?
And what do you want me to do about it?
Care.All this blood and alcohol will hurt the baby
And how many times do I have to say that I don't care?
Can I kill her now? (Al)
Ali (E)
No Em let her.I'm sure Jim Adrian nor Wesley want me dead so..I'll always be alive.
Shady bitch (E)
You call your best friend a bitch?Well that's a socker.Do you know who else is a bitch here?You Em.You let Katherine enter my life and destroy my happiness to save your own brother and because of you she killed my brother.So you're happy I'm... that!
Okay that's enough Hayden you have no right to talk to her like that!(A)
Oh..Prince Adrian came to save princess Aurora.Suddenly..she's not sleeping but alive talking and miserable.
Okay Hay If you don't turn your humanity on now I'm sorry but i won't show mercy for what will happen next.
Fine..do it!You couldn't handle seeing me cry I'm sure you can't handle me screaming from pain.
Watch me.Emily..do it
(Emily went behind her,appeared her claws and put them at her neck.Hayden screamed and turned to a Werecoyote)
How about that Hay?Are you enjoying this? (J)
If you untie me you're going to be sure that you will be the one who I'll kill first..AHHH STOP!
Turn it now.. (A)
It's for your own good Hay.. (W)
Okay round 2 Em..
I'm sorry Hay..it's difficult for me too but i have to do this.
(She grabbed vervain and put it all over her face.Hayden screamed more)
Jim please leave her.. (A)
The baby Jim.. (W)
No don't stop Em!Probably its the best day of my life!Come on move on! (Al)
Jim.. please.. (A)
Let her go.
Are you serious?
(She took vervain off)
Ah..Oh my god..
Hay?Did you...(A)
Oh my God...Adrian..
Hayden?You're back..
Why am I here?How's the baby?
It's fine.
AH!What have you done to me?
Wait a moment love to untie you (E)
(Emily untied Hayden and she got up)
Yeah..wow..how can you easily believe that I'm back.Big mistake.You know that night you wanted the truth Jim.So I'm gonna tell you.I've never loved you.Neither Adrian nor Wesley.No one.You know what the say..boys play with toys and girls play with boys.You should have known.So..I guess my work here is done!See you to the dance tonight!
*She winked her eye and left*
Why do we always believe her? (E)
Shes Hayden.And accidentally we loved her.Once.
I didn't (Al)
I wish I wouldn't love her that much..it hurts.
Jim do not believe what she says.She doesn't feel. (E)
Then it's better not feeling too!Go to school guys.Please leave me alone..I'll see you to the dance tonight!
Jim.. (E)

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