Three Weeks Later

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Dear Fred,
I can hear your voice in my head telling me to stop. But I can't. I'm blinded by tears as I tip out seventeen perfect little pills into my shaking hand. Just on gulp and it'll be painless. Just one gulp and we can be together again. But you're telling me it isn't my time, yet it wasn't yours when you died. I can't live without half of my heart, Fred. And you're the half torn right out of me so furiously it's bound to leave scars. And look at me getting all poetic, it's sickening. Angelina came to see me today. I asked her how she's coping. She said it was bad, but not as bad as it must be for you. We understand each other, brother. But I'm afraid I'll ruin your memory if O ask her out.
I miss you Fred.

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