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A/N - This is my story, i wrote this so any other stories similar are purely coincidental. Some of the book will be set out as texts - for example:

author : I hope you enjoy my book!

Also this is my first fanfiction so bare with me, i will make mistakes and this may be very cringy. Anyway hope you enjoy !!! :)


- Texts


Jackson : where are you? You were meant to be here an hour ago.

Unknown: Sorry i think you have the wrong number.

Jackson : oh sorry, enjoy your day!

unknown : sure thanks

A/N the chapters will be alot longer than this as this is just the introduction. Anyway next chapter will be up tomorrow hopefully, after that they will be twice a week unless im busy.

Peace, love, starbursts ✌️️

Texts - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now