Chapter 6

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“Stooopppp!” I groaned clutching my head. It felt as though there was a thousand men in my head pounding its insides with a hammer! There was no one else in the room. Ryder still hadn’t gotten back. I got up and rested my back against the frame of the bed.

All of last night’s images came rushing to mind and an unsettling pain filled the pit of my stomach. I threw off my covers and ran down the hall to the bathroom. I sat down by the toilet and let my stomach empty out its contents.

“Are you pregnant?!” I heard a voice scream.

“Hell no!” I said, back facing Ryder.

“You went out to a party last night didn’t you? You drank too, right?”

I nodded looking down. Tears were streaming down my face and I started chocking. I covered my face with my hands.

“Hey now. I’m not mad.” Ryder said coming and sitting down next to me rubbing my back.

“I…I know.” I said stuttering.

“Why are you so upset?” He asked.

I looked up and noticed a pair of red heels by the door. I looked up and Ryder saw my confused face.

“Hi I’m Avery.” She said, stepping in and sitting on my other side. I self-consciously rubbed my eyes and ran my hands through my nest of hair.

“Riley.” I replied.

“I’ve heard so much about you. You’re even prettier than Ryder described you as.” She smiled.

“Really?” I laughed sarcastically.  I then faced my brother questioningly.

“She’s the girl I’ve been seeing and now she’s my girlfriend.” He said grinning at her. I tried to smile but couldn’t.

“Are you not happy with…?” Avery started.

“No, no, no! I’m so happy for you!” I said giving Ryder a side hug.

“No you’re not. What’s wrong?” He asked taking my face in his hands.

“Shane cheated on me.” I said chocking up again. The tears fell faster now.

“Sshh. Do you need me to beat him up for me?” He asked way too seriously.

I laughed along with Avery.

“Aww! You guys are sooo cute!” She gushed.

Avery was beautiful! She had strawberry-blonde hair that came to her shoulders with bangs falling on either side of her face. She wore a red sparkly halter top with some high-waisted jeans and some red heels. Her personality was just as beautiful and I was genuinely happy for Ryder.

“I’ll go get you some fresh water.” Ryder said standing up leaving me and Avery in the bathroom.

“I’m sorry we met like this.” I said looking at her.

“Nonsense.” She laughed and started rummaging through her handbag. “Here.” She said handing me a packet of make-up wipes.

“You carry these around with you everywhere?” I asked laughing.

“oh no. I was at your parent's beach house, if i'm correct..” She said. “That’s ok with you, right?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?” I asked giving her a hug and thanking her for the wipes. She smiled and walked out the bathroom probably to find Ryder. After clearing myself up I went straight back to bed.

When I woke up again I found out it was way past 3:00pm so I made myself some Green tea. There was a note on the cupboard that read:

Wait up for us, before you start to drown yourself in Ice-cream and movies! :P Just popped to get some supplies be back in a couple of  hours~ Avery.

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