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Rose tinted lips met with thinner softer ones, the latter being pressed firmly against them. Sapphire orbs shot open as the feeling of this...somewhat new contact registered in the bluenette's head. He was being held securely by the taller redhead in front of him, one arm wrapped around his small waist as the other hand cradled the back of his head, aiding in deepening the contact.

"These are...preparations for...the kiss of death...?"

The thought floated through his mind as he felt himself growing significantly weaker yet he definitely wouldn't let the other have his way this time — he didn't consent to this. Karma had again sprung upon him something that he wasn't prepared for and so, he wasn't having any of it. Pursing his lips tightly, he attempted to push the taller male who didn't seem to be budging away. Alas, all attempts were proved to be in vain as soon as the presence of the hand that sat on his waist had shifted to grope his tiny behind.


At this, a small gasp was elicited from the young Shiota as his lips immediately parted as a result. Karma, now almost victorious sought to use this opening yet Nagisa, who was still fighting back, denied him (though imperceptibly falling into the clutches of arousal from this heated moment).

" can't..—"

Broken sentences of protestation were exhaled onto the redhead's tongue as Nagisa squinted tightly and squirmed, continuously hammering down on the 'parasite called pleasure' that was sapping away at his energy. Karma still hasn't budged yet he himself was feeling increasingly impatient as the smaller male never ceased to deny him, even though he was so close.

With that, he decided it was now time for the kill and so effortlessly pushed Nagisa up against the wall, making it increasingly difficult for him to keep their lips apart any longer.


Nagisa himself knew he was on the verge of defeat, muttering a hoarse heated breath before awaiting the sensation of Karma's lips to find him again. That didn't come. Instead Karma skilfully kept their lips barely touching and demanded in a huskily dark tone— voice barely a whisper.

"..Open your mouth, Nagisa."

With that, the Shiota felt all of his senses die on him. Having his name called out purposely in a voice drop like that shattered him on the inside, rendering him unable to fight back anymore. With that, amber oculars seemed to glint at the newfound victory where Karma happily claimed the lips of his defeated companion. Parting Nagisa's delicate lips with his own, his tongue ventured in to explore what Irina and Kayano had had the privilege of experiencing in the past, 7 years back just about.

As the kiss progressed, half-lidded blue orbs finally shut in bliss, a blush staining his flushed features. The hold Karma had on him had significantly tightened. At this point, Nagisa was undoubtedly, completely under Karma's spell, somewhere along the line letting a soft moan slip out as petite digits clung loosely to the Akabane's broad shoulders— he didn't even notice.

As time passed eventually, Karma granted him air and freedom from that suffocating embrace. The Shiota, now disheveled, panting and lost in a very hot mess just hid himself behind the grinning redhead, collecting the pieces of his masculinity that had just been heartlessly smashed by his closest friend — Betrayal.

Maehara, now in the forefront of the class 3-E crowd that had just witnessed their two classmates shamelessly make out, wore a blank face and suddenly pointed straight over to Okuda who appeared to be dying of embarrassment. He spoke out with confidence.

"Next time we have a reunion like this...Okuda-san...please let me have you as my partner for spin the bottle!"

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