new school

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**i know not alot of people have read this yet...but hey it is a start...thank to those that have read it*

*third person pov*
Justin decide that he was going to walk to school instead of having his mom drive him. As soon as he started walking to the school his stomach dropped he knew today was going to be hard. Justin zoned out as he walked to the school and next thing he knew he was infront of it. He took a deep breath and walked to the big double doors. As soon as he opened them he wanted to ran away but he didn't. He started walking to the office and when he got there he asked the lady for his schedule. The old lady handed Justin his schedule and he started heading to his first class....math. As he walked to open the door a really tall kid ran up to the door and opened it very fast causing Justin to fall face first into the classroom. When Justin looked up the kid who was standing there staring at Justin . Justin stood up and looked at the boy and asked rudely "like what you see"?
The boy was startled by what Justin said he just sighed and walked away 

**please comment or vote if u want an update....sorry I know it's bad..sorry

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