One Shot

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It was a beautiful day to be driving & as I glanced in the rear view mirror at my almost six year old daughter, strapped in her booster seat, I couldn't help but smile. She was gorgeous just like her mom, with the same tiny dimple in her chin. Her hair was curly, a gift she'd gotten from me & it was the perfect shade of chestnut brown. When she glanced up to see me watching her, in the mirror, I saw the deep brown eyes that were identical to her mother's. A big smile formed on her face & it was almost as if her mother was sitting in the backseat smiling at me.

"You excited to see Mommy?" I asked her then looked back at the road.

"Yea. I think she's going to love the flowers we got for her birthday."

"I think so, too." I replied, then grabbed the bottle of water from between my bucket seats. I took a drink, trying to get rid of the dryness in my mouth. My allergies were out in full force, since it was August.

"They're her favorite right?"

"Yes they are. She loves white roses."

"Daddy?" I heard my daughter's tiny voice & it made my heart ache because of how much I loved her.

"Yes, Baby Girl?"

"Can you tell me the story of when Mommy told you she was pregnant with me?"

I glanced at her face, in the reflection, fighting the urge to start crying because she looked so grown up. She was starting kindergarten in a few weeks & I was having a hard time facing the reality that my baby girl was going to be a schoolager. "Of course I can. You sure like to hear that story don't you?"

"It's my favorite."

I took a deep breath as I stared at the road ahead. I pictured the day in my head, Demi wearing a big red bow around her waist when I came home from a photo assignment, one afternoon in February. I remembered laughing so hard, later, thinking she was giving me sex for Valentine's Day.

Demi shook her head, smiling so broadly it made me giddy. "Nope."

I sighed, smiling to myself because that part of the story I never told my young daughter. I wondered if I'd ever tell her that part. Probably not. 

I cleared my throat before I spoke to my daughter, as she waited patiently, in the backseat. "Well she had a red bow wrapped around her tummy & I thought it was part of a present for Valentine's Day because that was the next day. Mommy shook her head & said, 'It's a present you'll get in September.' I laughed & asked if it was a birthday present & she answered, 'sorta.' She told me to untie the bow & when she did her shirt fell open & she had an ultrasound picture taped to her belly. It was done that very day at the doctor & I asked her if it was real. She laughed at me & told me it was. I hugged her & kissed her & then we cuddled on the couch thinking of names. That was the day we decided to name you Jensen because we were watching a tv show & one of the actors was named Jensen. Mommy saw it on the screen & loved it. When we found out you were a little girl she said she still wanted to give you that name. And then we gave you a girly middle name." I grinned at Jensen through the tiny mirror & she smiled proudly.

"Yep. Rose. It doesn't get more girly than that."

"Jensen Rose Jonas is the best name ever. Don't you think?"

"I do." Jensen looked out the window for a moment, a soft smile still on her face as the wind came in to blow her hair all around. "Can you tell me how you proposed to Mommy now?"

"Didn't I just tell you that story the other day?"

"Yes but I was almost asleep so I missed parts of it I think."

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