Chapter 1

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"Grace Elisabeth Loe! What are you doing?!"
those are the words i hear most. my mother just loves to say that apparently! why, you may ask? well, this time it was because she caught me up when i was supposed to be asleep. big deal, mom. she's still ranting right now, actually! it's impressive how long she can go on! i shoo her out of my room so that i can get some peace and quiet, and i flop down on my bed. usually i wouldn't feel so glum, but today is the last day of freedom AKA summer. i have to go back to school tomorrow, and i'm feeling just as down as any teenager today. i grab my phone and notice a text from Daniella, my best friend. "hey! i need your help...i'm freaking out over tomorrow, i have no idea how i'm going to deal with my first day of high school!" it says. "Dani, don't freak. i'm sure it will be exactly like grade 8 and 9. now go to sleep! you don't want to look like a zombie on your first day, do you?" i text back. "you're right. goodnight!" she sends. i turn off my phone and get under the covers. i toss and turn for a while, and then finally fall asleep.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" i groan and turn off the alarm. "it feels like i slept for 2 minutes..." i think to myself. i sit up and stretch, still half asleep. i stand up, get into my semi-nice first day of school outfit, brush my teeth and put on deodorant, grab my backpack and head downstairs. i see an apple and a granola bar on the table with a note saying: "had to head to work early! have a good first day of school! xoxo, mom.", "of course she did, she always does." i say out loud. i hear a horn honking. it's Dani, here to take me to school. i got my car taken away after i got just one ticket, so now i have to ride to school with her for a while. "Hey Dani!" i say as i hop in. "Hey! you ready?" she says back. "as ready as i can be." i smile. we drive for a while, and the pull up to the school. i hop out, and walk up to the doors. "well, here we go!" i huff. i open the doors, expecting the same old same old...but what i saw was so much more.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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