Chapter 1

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10 months earlier:

If it were anyone else I would not be getting out of bed on a Saturday before the 9 am mark when I was on holiday, but it's Sophia, and I'd do anything for my best friend.

We were heading towards some venue in London to meet, 'her precious'. She is the ultimate definition of a nerd. Lord of The Rings stan and completely obsessed with Marvel; including their new feature, british actor: Tom Holland. Or as she informs me: Thomas Stanley Holland.

I looked like shit, but maybe I'd get chatting to some people who had been dragged along too. I didn't look like anything special, my wild curly mane had been strategically pinned back so you could see my half decent makeup. I had a pair of black ripped jeans with a tucked in grey vest top along with my denim jacket with various badges sewn on it; mostly artists but there were a few random ones and veteran memrobila. I also had my overworn doc martins on in my classic colour; black.

She was head to toe in nerd clothing. She had super Mario themed vans on, with black skinnys wearing a marvel belt, with her Daniel Howell look alike eclipse t-shirt. She was the definition of a fangirl at the age of 19, almost 20. But you gotta love the young at heart.

But I'm not going to give her all the credit. I'm a bit of a geek; a starwars, startrek, Harry  Potter loving, emo, bookworm kind of geek.

When we reach our destination its heaving with Marvel fans. How can I tell, you ask? Well one in five people are cosplaying. And the others are talking about Tom Holland or Spiderman every five words. Including Sophia.

Now before you say anything, I'm not bitter. I just feel out of place. I mean if I relax I'll be fine. This is Soph's day, I just gotta make sure her anxiety doesn't kick in.

I glance at our tickets. She won ours so we are last in the queue, but that's ok. Once in the venue, we are briefed on safety of ourselves and Tom. What you are and aren't allowed to do, and how long you get with him.

The queue went down rather quickly and the closer we got to him the quieter Sophia became. That wasn't good. We had one person infront of us, her breathing was deep and her dainty frame was shaking.

"hey—hey Soph. you're okay." I kept telling her, holding her hands in mine, giving hard squeezes usually helped. She was gasping for air, quicker and quicker each time. She wasn't saying anything. The people infront of us had just left Tom.

He looked over at us, and painted a gentle smile on his face.

"What's her name?" he asked, making me aware of his accent, Articulate and absolutely fucking adorable.

"Sophia" I replied loud enough for her to hear.

"hey Sophia, I'm Tom. But im guessing you already know that. Would you and your friend like to come with me to somewhere quieter?" she didn't speak, just nodded. He took her hands from mine and slowly lead her to what looked like a dressing room. He sat her down on the coach and knelt infront of her. I sat beside her reminding her of her calming down process.

"Soph—Relax." I told her, repeatidly. After a few moments her breathing regulated and her hands stop shaking, however Tom didn't let go.

"Kick out those negative thoughts because you're bloody awesome." I continued to repeat generic phrases like this.

"now, you can accept your feelings. You're meeting your precious and he's bloody cute Soph-" I whispered so he wouldn't hear. She laughed at this.

"you're right – y/n." She said, looking up at Tom.

He directed Sophia over to a mirror since she complained about the tears ruining her make-up. He was definatley a kind soul. I was stood next to him watching her.

I turned to face him, which grabbed his attention and smile.

"thank you for your kindness Mr. Holland." I said, standing on my tip-toe placing a light kiss onto his left cheek. He laughed at this act, it was a nervous laugh since his hand ran its way through his hair.

"it was my pleasure uh- "

"(y/n)" I replied.

"Well y/n and Sophia, wanna take some selfies?" he said, lightening the mood. Soph nodded vigorously.

He took a few photos with Soph, then Soph and I, and one with me. I looked at the photo. I looked fantastic.

"hey, you look great in that one" he commented looking at the photo over my shoulder.

I went a little red, letting my hair cover my cheeks.

"thank you so much Tom. For everything you do which makes all your fans smile." He gave sophia a hug before he was beckoned by his manager. When we left, Sophia couldn't stop talking about Tom. It was rather funny since I saw the appeal.

His Coffee Stained Shirt: Tom Holland X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now