22 2 2

sunday, september 12, 10:02

An hour, which felt like forever, went past. Jae had now gotten into comfy leggings and a hoodie, with a Shawn Mendes concert tee underneath. Jae had never had a favourite artist before, although she was really in to Shawn Mendes and Jon Bellion. Her best friend, Olivia, though had several different crushes.. over celebrities. The list was never ending, ranging between:
Zac Efron
Daniel Seavey (who isn't really a celebrity, he's just a boy from her classes who auditioned for American Idol, and got through into the next round last year.)
Shawn Mendes
Charlie Puth
Brendan Urie
Cameron Dallas, and many many more. It's always like every season she has a new crush. But Olivia, was stunning. It was impossible not to like her. Suddenly, a loud knocking noise occurred, frightening Jae. As she emerged from underneath her covers, she bit her nails nervously. Jae had always been scared of loud noises, and when she was in my school, everyone picked on her about it.
tuesday, may 2, 11:03
One day in Science, the first period before lunch, Jae and Olivia were doing mixing of chemicals. A explosion was due to happen any moment, but the pairs hadn't happened. Minutes went passed, and they were growing tired also, four people have left to go to lunch as they succeeded in the project. A dozen minutes later, it was only Conor, Amalie, (the couple as a pair) Jae and Liv.
The pairs explosion went off and Jae flew off her chair screaming, Olivia letting out a shriek followed with a giggle of embarrassment. Conor and Amalie, being the coolest kids in the grade, snickered as they were wiping off the mess they had caused from the start off the lesson. Amalie sneakily took out her phone and took a snap of the pair while the horrendous accident had occurred. She sent it to all her fellow cool kids, shared it on social media and showed her boyfriend, Connor. Long story short, Jae and Olivia were the centre of attention, for the reason she had never thought of it to be.

sunday, september 12, 10:34

Tip-toeing to the front door, Jayden hesitantly rubbed the door-knob before swinging it wide open to confront the mysterious 'killer.'
'Jae, honey, what the flip?' Laughed Olivia. Olivia walked in, wearing denim shorts and a Guns'n'Roses crop top. Her hair was in a topknot with strands of her brown hair hanging beside her pierced ears. She took of her Adidas superstars and jumped onto the sofa. Jae sighed and followed her onto the sofa, she layed her head on Olivia's stomach, making her squirm slightly into a better position. As they chatted about recent events and boys, Olivia got up to get a water bottle. Olivia is a phone tech geek, so she never leaves it without her side. So, when she left to go up and get a water bottle, she clung her phone, like a baby in a blanket, next her. Even though she has smashed it multiple times, (until it was coming out of its socket) she always will find the money and time to repair it. And, whenever that does happen, she'll sob like a little girl who dropped her ice-cream cone in mud.
"We've ran out of water, Jae," said Olivia, noticing the empty cabinet, "I'll pick up so more, be right back." As she did that, Jae heard the dangling of keys and footsteps to the front oval door.
"Bye.." She sighed, it was a late reply, as Olivia was long gone.

Hope you like this book so far! I have some plans for the tea ☕️ 🐸

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