the broken doll

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the doll was alone, alone and cold, and it hurt so much, it had been abandoned and it hurt so much, it was losing itself the darkness deep inside its self, it walked down the street and people passed it, without a word, it was silent with a painted smile,this wasnt to protect its self it was like this because thats what people wanted to see, thats what they wanted, the fake smile, it hurt more than any knife, it wanted to hurt others, it was angry and scared, it hurt and needed to let it out, it needed to get the storm out of hits head. it walked down the alley way, it screamed deep in its soul, it was bleeding inside and it needed to get it out, it hurt, this hell in its soul and mind, it hit a trash can and a box then a wall and thats when it felt his hand splinter, pain shot through its arm, it hurt but felt...good, freeing, it hit the wall again and his hand splintered, it needed more, it started punching with the stump till it had nothing left, it felt the pain, the freeing light or pain, it started punching with its other hand till there was nothing, it fell to its knees, it wanted to cry or scream but it couldnt, this useless face wouldnt let it, it held it all in it had to break this, it leaned back and slamed its head against the wall and felt the wood of his head crack, the doll was dizzy but had to keep going, slaming its head over and over till pieces fell away,its smile was broken and it fell to its back, the pain didnt save it, the pain felt good but now it was all it had and it felt every thing falling away, the Doll was dieing, it had wanted this for so long but was still empty still felt nothing, but cold, it was cold and finally falling away into the darkness of death. "my my" said a voice from near by, the doll turned its head to see who was speaking and saw an old man and a young girl in a door way it was the old man who spoke "looks like you were right my dear our friend needs help" it didnt want help it wanted to die, it wanted to fade away but the man picked it up and took him in to be fixed.

after word:the doll is ment to be some one who suffers from...well you can see and its ment to show that its not a light thing and i tired of people not talking about it, the old man is the only one who would help as he knows pain and love for others

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