chapter 20

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Nobody heard Rosie throwing up her guts in the downstairs bathroom, except Connor who was feeling her pain everytime she continued throwing up. He called her name a few times but she was getting weaker with each bout of sickness and it was getting to the point where she almost couldn't stand up.

"Rosie!" Uncle Peter yelled from at the top of the stairs, Rosie could hear him shuffling down the stairs on his butt. She tried to yell at him to tell him to stay upstairs because she didn't think she would have enough strength to help him back up, but nothing came out.

"What's going on? Are you throwing up?" Peter asks, almost losing his balance when he got to the entrance of the bathroom.

Rosie didn't say anything in response just nodded as he came closer to place a hand on the small of her back.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Peter asked, helping her set her back against the wall, so that she could see his face but he was soon distracted but Connor shouting for Rosie loudly over their skype call. "Is that Connor? Are you on a skype call at three in the morning?" Uncle Peter asked in a voice that screamed 'are you serious?'

"Matt's hurt." Rosie croaked out, her voice sore from throwing up so much.

Uncle Peter didn't say anything just moved quickly away from Rosie, but she didn't quite know what he was doing until he came back with Rosie's tablet in hand with Connor explaining everything that's happening with Matt to him; which made Rosie feel sick again.

"Connor, could you call back in about ten minutes? I'm going to get Rosie back into bed and have you connected to the TV so Rosie doesn't have to put to much effort into keeping herself upright long enough to keep up a conversation." Uncle Peter, making Rosie chuckle at the thought of Peter helping her up the stairs despite a few hours ago the tables were flipped.


Rosie and Peter both stumbled up the stairs one hand on the banister, the other on the others shoulder.

"Here you go sweetheart." Uncle Peter told her as he handed her a bucket just in case she needed to be sick again.

Her laptop was plugged into the TV so that when Connor calls back she could just answer the call and not have to worry about sitting up and watching the laptop screen.

"Thank you, and you're sure you'll keep out the parents, so I can A) catch up on sleep and B) Talk to the crew about Matt." Rosie confirmed with him.

"Yep, they go to work at eight, so as long as you and Connor aren't still on call at seven because that's probably when they'll come to check on you, then you should be fine." Uncle Peter told her, as he kissed her on the temple and left her and Connor to chat, when Connor actually called back that was.


Connor and Rosie spent hours on call, he had gone home at around eight where he was because everyone else decided to go home as well. At around ten o'clock LA time Connor decided to end the call so that Rosie could get some sleep; But something told her that she certainly wouldn't be able to get any sleep.


Uncle Peter was right about her parent coming in to check on her at around seven, but she was still awake so she just faced her ombre blue wall in hope that her parents would just leave before they realised she was awake.

"Her laptop is on." Her mum pointed out, closing the laptop screen, unplugging it from the TV. Her mum, Lottie, placed the electronics on the windowsill. Including her phone and tablet as well. Thinking that if Rosie turned over she would squish them, and they couldn't really afford that right now.

"She's hell bent on studying these days, she wants to get into a good school when we get to LA. " Wallace said to Lottie, and Rosie faked a yawn as she pretended to wake up. Which is easier said than done when you weren't asleep in the first place.

"Ah you're awake. How're you feeling sweetie?" Her mum asked her, kneeling down so that she was level with Rosie's bed that was closer to the floor than a toddler. Rosie stretched, still feeling absolutely knackered because she didn't get any sleep what so ever.

"At the moment I'm just really tired, I hardly got any sleep last night. I'm just going to sleep today. " Rosie lied, she was going to spend the day getting as much information about Matts accident and possible injuries as she could. Maybe she'd even get Uncle Peter to help her so that could get as much information as possible.

All she knew was that he was in an accident and from what Connor told her he was in intensive care. And not knowing was definitely making her feel worse, it was probably at the moment the only thing keeping her feeling nauseous.

"That's absolutely fine sweetie, you get all the sleep you need. Me and your mum are going out after work so don't wait up, I'll leave Peter some money so that he can get dinner. " Wallace told her as Rosie feigned a gag, and went to lean over the sick bucket Peter gave to her.

"Well we'll leave you to it then." Her mum looked at Uncle Peters room door as Wallace kissed his daughters forehead. She hoped her brother in law would be able to look after her baby today so she doesn't have to go through being sick alone.

Rosie didn't say anything to her parents, just turned over to face the wall so that they would take the hint and leave. All she needed was to be quiet upstairs while her parents were still home so they didn't make her go to school.

As soon as her parents left her room she made sure she could hear their footsteps on the stairs before she pulled her phone off of the windowsill, almost pulling her tablet off with it.

She messaged Connor on Snapchat, asking him if he was awake and knew anything more about Matts condition.

But Rosie found she was fast asleep in a minute, waiting for Connor to message back.

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