Nicks Sorrow

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)Does anyone else remember that Tedris was actually Cannon? No? Just me? Okay.(


I was about to check my messages when someone called.
The theme song to MLP went off so it was Nick.

I answered it.



I almost dropped my phone from the screaming followed by sobs.



My first thought was that something happened to the baby and this was one hell of a way to learn its gender and I started panicking.

"Who's dead?!"


"Who the fuck is Melvin?!"

"M-my Guinea Pig!"

I relaxed a little, relieved my little God son or daughter was fine.
That's right.
Nick and Betty asked me to be the God-Father, which also made Chris the God-Father but I don't think he so siked about that.

"What happened?" I asked.
"Hes just- gone.."
"So he didn't die?"
"No! But he's as good as! He's to precious to fend for himself! My little cheese puff!"

I blinked, "Do you want me to help you look for him?"

"There's no point! He's gone! Hes dead and I'll never see him again!"

"I'll be over in 10."


The house was a wreck.

Nick was on the floor sobbing while Lily licked his face.

Betty was in her chair on her laptop, he belly poppin a bit, exposed.
"Hey Ted." She said non chantly, ignoring her hysterical boyfriend.

"Isn't this like the third time?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Gone... He's gone.. The cage was open.. Gone.." Nick repeated.

"Where would he normally be?"
"Gone! All gone!"

"Usually behind furniture and stuff, we usually find him the next morning when we put out food for him."

Betty gave Nick an annoyed tsked.
"You'd think I'd be the one with the mood swings."

I shrugged and focused on the small bump of her stomach. I was pretty excited to be a dad, even if it was secondary, but I don't really care.
I love babies, and sometimes kids, more like limited patience.

Boo and Skully defiantly needed to be watched by someone with more patience.

Nick finally got up and cuddled up to Betty who started giving him pats and rubs and even some chocolate.

Honestly you'd think Nick was the one pregnant.

"I-i've had him for years a-and my baby is gone!"
He sobbed into Betty's stomach as she hugged him all while keeping her eyes on her screen.

They were made for eachother.
Betty the backbone, Nick all the extra gooey wobbly stuff.

While Betty was looking under couch bed and I was looking under a table Nick shot a glance at Betty and let out a gasp.

"Honey you shouldn't be moving around and bending over that's bad for your back here sit down."

He got up and rushed to her, sitting her back down while she smiled fondly at him.

"I see you've been reading the daddy books my mom gave you."

"No." He hummed. "Instinct."

I smiled at them and a sudden wave of longing for Chris washed over me. Its only been 3 days and I miss him like crazy.

I miss holding him, snuggling in bed with him, kissing him, hugging him,  making out with him,  his attitude in general, and just about everything else.

I picked myself up off the floor in a kneeling position. I called him, he picked up on the second ring and I didn't expect him to be crying.

"Chris?! What's wrong baby?"

Betty and Nick looked over at me curiously.

"I-i did something b-bad.. D-did you get m-my text m-message..?"

I hadn't got the chance to check because I was to busy trying to find a Guinea pig.

"What happened?" I asked softly.
He explained what happened with Aiden and his mom and her fiancé and how bad he felt.

"It's gonna be alright bub, you just gotta give Aiden some space and just cool down for a bit. Yknow?"

He sniffles on the other end and I wish I could stroke his hair and hold him and tell him its all gonna be alright.

I miss him so much.

"A-alright.. I just really want this week to end.."

I sighed and nodded then I remembered he couldn't see me.

"Yeah.. Me to."

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