Letter 14

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Dear whoever you are,

I found these letters in a pile, shoved into a drawer in his desk. I've read them and after much consideration, I feel you have the right to know about him.

His name is Owen. Owen Riddens. For the past year or so, he has been under watch for his mental issues. You see Owen has experienced a lot of trauma and because of that, he has been in and out of the hospital and has been supervised.

I apologize for his letters and the things he says.

Owen was in a car crash last week and I was put in charge of looking through his apartment so if this goes south, I know what I need to move where. These letters may be his last words so I thought you should see them. I understand if you find them creepy and wish to never make a comment. I'm just trying to do what's right.

In the yellow envelope, you will find 13 letters addressed to you detailing his love for you and his downward spiral. Do with them as you please. They have no importance to us.

Miss Zoe Blake, I wish you all the luck and I apologize once again for Owen.

Have a nice day.


Joseph Caster

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