Quantum Mirror Series

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Quantum Mirror Series 6

Tulol led Natock and SG10 through the gate onto the darkened desert world. When the gate closed Ford looked around and saw nothing but a handful of tents half a mile from the gate. The world was a truly barren rock of a world. The sand and stone crunched under their boots as they walked slowly towards the tents.

"How long did you say the nights on this world are?" Colt asked Natock as the wind whipped the cloak he wore over his uniform and weapons.

"Nineteen days. Nothing grows here. Nothing lives here. This world is utterly useless to the Goa'uld." Natock answered.

"Good place for a meeting." Ford uttered to himself. He looked up at the night sky. A world that looked much like Jupiter with rings orbited nearby and eclipsed the stars from most of the sky. It was a faded purple, and acted as the moon for this world. The wind tore at his cloak, but he ignored it. He kept squeezing the fore grip on his rifle. He did it when he was nervous.

When they were close to the tents one of the Jaffa nodded and waved them past. A small fire crackled in the center of the three tents. Tulol walked to the fire and sized up the Jaffa standing by it.

"I am Tulol and this is Natock of the Free Jaffa. This is SG10 of the Tau'ri."

"Greetings Tulol. I am Emil and I speak for the Jaffa in the service of Ba'al that wish to be free." Said the tall Jaffa in the brown robes, a golden crest on his forehead. "That is Zurhan, and he speaks for the Jaffa of Cronus. Beside him stands Soleer, and he speaks for the Jaffa of Asteroth."

"I'm Sergeant Ford of the Tau'ri. That's Ward, Jefferson, Madison, and Colt."

"Greetings to you all." Emil said.

"I thank you all for coming. It takes great courage to disobey the false gods. You have taken a large step towards freedom for all our people. I don't know what you have heard so I will explain how we came to be here. I was the First Prime of Afa, but I eventually realized that he was no god, just a coward that sent my men to their death time and again because his own vanity." Tulol stopped and let his words sink in. He scanned their faces looking for signs of intent before he continued.

"I led half of the Jaffa army in a revolt, but we were unsuccessful. We were captured and awaited death at the hands of the Jaffa we called brothers just days earlier. It was then that the Tau'ri arrived and succeeded where I failed. They wounded the false god Afa and freed us all."

"How were a few Tau'ri successful against the loyal Jaffa?" Emil asked.

"We had surprise and superior tactics on our side." Ford answered.

"And you are sure that Afa is dead." Emil asked.

"After they wounded him I fired all three blast from the Zat'nik'tel myself and watched him fade into nothing, as we have all done with our enemies during combat."

"What of the families of your Jaffa?" Zurhan asked.

"The Tau'ri took them as well. We live in freedom and equality alongside the Tau'ri as allies, not slaves." Tulol said.

"Equality." Zurhan repeated.

"What have these allies done for you since taking your from your home?" Emil asked.

"We have armed all of his men." Ford said firmly.

"Is this true?" Emil asked.

"It is. We have raided three armories held by Thoth and secured enough weapons to arm all of my Jaffa with weapons to spare." Tulol said.

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