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Hi! I'm Stella, I'm twelve.

Because of my dad's job conditions we had to move out of our old house. To be honest, it wasn't that old because we have changed the place we live many times for the same reason, so we haven't stayed anywhere for a long time...

Changing your environment frequently may seem exciting... But trust me, I have suffered for it, something I have never told anyone before... And when someone tells me that they have been in one place for all their life I just say:

'Aren't you bored with this life?! If I were you I would die! I just... I don't get how you can survive while staying in the same house for more than 2 years!! '

I know what you would think: 'What a hypocrite!' But I just can't admit it! I'm the one who got bored! I hate moving out!

Back to our topic...

I said that we moved out. It was for Berrechid. I had to attend school, so my dad asked about the best one in the city. He came back home one morning and told me that I have to take a test before being accepted into this school.

I got dressed and I went with dad. I noticed that we had been driving a long time and we were now very far from the city.

'Are we really going to school dad?' I asked.

'Yeah... Just wait a little bit'

And so I did. Ten minutes later, I finally saw a huge building. The paint job was disgusting! We entered and the secretary came to welcome us with a smile, my dad smiled at her as well.

'What about taking her to a café to drink some juice together??! Just wait until we're at home dad! I'll tell Mom!' I thought... I really wanted to say it louder but I would be hit.

'Where do I have to go to take the test?'

'I'll show you the way' she said.

We walked for a few minutes before arriving at the testing room. There was one girl and two women; they were obviously the teachers. They gave me a handout and asked me to do my best... 30 minutes later, I gave the papers to the nearest teacher, she was very satisfied and smiled at me; I returned the smile. She told me a joke, and we talked a little. It'd be great if she was my teacher!

I joined my father and we went home; maybe it wasn't that bad to come here after all! Mom asked me about how it went, I said that everything went well, and I'm expecting a good year.


Next Monday, dad took me to school so I didn't see what the school bus looked like.

When I arrived there, I asked where my classroom was, they told me that I was in B class... Wait! B class?! But the teacher was too satisfied! Was all of that fake?!!!

When I entered the classroom I found that teacher, I was happy to see her but...

'Tu fais quoi là? Tu n'as pas été acceptée ici, mademoiselle!' she said in French or:

'What are you doing here? You weren't accepted here, miss!'

I see! She's a French teacher. But what??!! I wasn't accepted?!

'Excuse me teacher but I think you're talking about the other girl who had the test with me!'

Then she laughed!

'May I know what's so funny?'

'Your facial expression!' She said, smiling.

Hello?! I'm serious!

'I was joking! But your class is the next one! This is A class!

Everyone in the class was silent but when she said the last sentence I heard some silent laughs. I have sensitive ears by the way.

I didn't say anything. I just went to the B class. Then I saw the other teacher from the testing day, she teaches Arabic and seems kind... Anyway, I looked for a place to sit.

'Can I sit next to you?'


She was a small girl with a nice face


The teacher gave us a hand out to revise last year's lessons. And,... hey! I had it before, last year, in my old school! So I finished it 5 minutes later and gave it to her. She was surprised while checking my paper... Everything was correct.

'Why are you in B class??! You have a superior level you know!'

Now I liked her!

'I know! I was asking myself the same question'

She laughed.

'OK listen, you will pass the rest of this day in B class but tomorrow you'll be transferred to A-class and I'll talk to the other teachers so don't worry!'

'Well... I didn't...'

She smiled at me then asked me to take my seat


While on break, I noticed that A-class' students were staring at me and having fun, but I just said

You know the song?

Anyway I walked here and there and ate my lunch, the bell rang and we returned to the classrooms


Tuesday morning I arrived at school and entered the A-class, the others tried to stop me because I was in B class and others were just staring at me.

I didn't say anything, and just asked a boy:

'Is it free?'

'Yes,' he answered with a smile.

I smiled at him and sat.

When the teacher entered, she saw me and asked me to come next to her and introduce myself.

'Bon... je suis Stella et j'ai douze ans. J'espère qu'on POURRA bien s'entendre..'

Which means:

'Well... I'm Stella and I'm twelve. I hope we CAN get along'

'Sure we can! Thank you. You can take your seat now..' The French teacher said.

Well, I don't really think that I'll get along with them...       

Annyeong !!

It's Salma again!

With a new book!

Wish you like the beginning!

Waiting for you in comments!

Yukinofox I started this story specially for you!!

Tell me what you think 'bout it! 😉

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