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How they meet you.


"Enoch come out of your witch cupboard." Olive said.

"I ain't no witch. You the one who floats." He retorted.

"Just come out, there's a new girl."

A new girl hmm?

He walked out and found a nice young woman standing there with their luggage.

"Hello." they said waving.

"Hey." Enoch said back.

"Well I am Y/N L/N."

"Cool I'm Enoch."


Miss Peregrine brought in a new girl into the home.

She were dresses proper and Horace liked that, so he went to say hello.

"Good morning." He said tipping his hat.

"Good morning to as well." she said smiling back.

"I do like your clothes, they're quite dapper."

"Well thank you. Same to."


A bee flew over to you followed by its many friends, and family, and village, and country- you get the point.

However, you didn't mind, you low key love bees.

"Oh, I am so sorry they get out of hand when new people arrive."

"No, no it's okay. They're cool."

They 'bee boy' smiled and tried to take his bees back but they didn't.

"Percy, this is NOT how we run things here."

I laughed.


Well you have been his friend like eternity before he knew Ricky, so yeah.


You were chilling with Emma outside playing with your peculiarities. You had just arrived this morning.

"Hello ladies." Came a male voice from a pile of floating cloths.

"Hey Millard. This is Y/N."

"Hi." I said.

"Hello Y/N, nice to meet you." Millard said.

"Same to you." And we shook hands, me fumbling around of course!


Victor was the one that had to come and get me from outside the loop. (He grabbed all the opportunities possible to go outside the loop.)

"Hey, lady."

I turned around, coz you know I'm a lady and all. I pointed to my chest and they boy nodded.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can you come with me please." He said.

"I rather not. You could be an axe killer or something." I joked.

"Well, I'm not let's go."

"What's your name at least?"

He sighed. "It's victor, now stop stalling and come with me."

"K, gees."

Bone brothers-

You meet them when you went into Wrens' tombstone. They took a liking to you.


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