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when changkyun went back to the house he shared with his friends, everybody was waiting for him with pizza and drinks. 《guys...》
《listen, kyun. we didn't think about your feelings enough, we didn't really know you until now, but we still hope you'll accept us》
changkyun finally smiled and answered, 《thanks, hyunwoo hyung. I needed this》
《and also, happy birthday》
months later, he couldn't forget jooheon yet. the last time they saw each other was that time, at the café, the day of changkyun's birthday.
he was still thinking about it, about how jooheon left, with tears in his eyes. he couldn't help but feel his heart squeeze. he was still in love, and he wanted to hear the whole story. he didn't have enough patience that day to listen to him, but he couldn't find the courage to call him again either.
《I wish I could be just like that girl he was dating...》
she was pretty, smart, brave too and charismatic; she kind of resembled jooheon in some way.
changkyun sighed, leaning on the armrest of a bench.
《aren't you cold?》a guy with a hoodie asked him.
《aren't ㅡ you ㅡ cold? you're wearing just a hoodie...》
《well, just a bit, but I was running. you always worry too much》
changkyun was too tired to even recognise the voice and when he looked up, he saw a familiar face.
the guy smiled.
《do you like my new black hair?》
changkyun just stayed silent.
《I guess so》jooheon laughed and sat down, 《you should have asked me 'who are you?' though》
《I missed you so much you fucking dick now tell me what the hell happened back then!》
he laughed again and then smiled warmly.
《okay, okay. I see you haven't forgotten too... well, back then I thought I was heterosexual get it? l liked girls and that. but then once I saw you in our room... like... putting on stockings...》
《you... saw that...》
《y-yeah... and I kind of started thinking about you that way... not much time later I kind of understood that I loved you but you were my friend, plus it was hard to accept... so when you confessed I kind of brushed it off as a joke and I'm sorry I was childish...》

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