They...sorta meet

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Evan's POV

Moving into a apartment is a chore I gotta say. With all the lifting of boxes and it only being yourself and your "Family" friend Jared Kleinman cause my mom worked and coudn't take it off..but she promised to visit later so that's good! I look to Jared who is sprawled out across my couch. "So acorn, why did you choose these apartments? I heard school shooter Connor Murphy lives in these apartments as well so I will pray you don't get mauled by him if he goes on a rampage." Shivering at the idea of Connor doing that I respond "they are the cheapest apartments they offer for this college, I coudn't afford any others either." Jared gets up after I said that. "Well I should get going, I have a class soon, bye acorn!" He yells as he leaves my apartment and I sigh. I still question what is even going on inside his brain.

"Hmm...I should get to work on my letter..." Going over to my desk I open my laptop go onto a new Google doc and start typing 

 "  Dear Evan Hansen, this year should be great! You got out of school last year and you are starting your first class on what you are going for, botany, tommorow! So get some good rest and eat well for tommorow. Maybe even try to call for pizza! Probably not though...yes I could order online but I would still have to talk to the delivery person as they get the change and what if I mess up and they will hate me and then they pizza place won't take my orders anymore and I go starving from lack of pizza!"

....oh god I'm rambling in my letters again...

"Anyways just be you and everything will go fine. Sincerely me." I them shut my laptop. I glance down at my hands to see they are getting sweaty. Ew there is probably gonna be sweaty hand prints on my laptop. I sigh and check the time. Seems I have some Time to shower before mom arrives. Grabbing a change of clothes, my phone, and a portable speaker I have for music quickly setting down the clothes in a spot that'll stay dry I put the speaker in the shower....its waterproof. I go through my music on my phone and hit shuffle and connect it through bluetooth to my speaker. Putting it on a reasonable volume I then undress put the shower on and started showering. Then I hear one of my favorite songs come on The kids aren't alright by fall out boy ((I have it at the top incase you wanna listen to it)) and I coudn't help from singing along.

_"Stuck in the jet wash.

Bad trip I couldn't get off.

And maybe I bit off more than I could chew

And overhead of the aqua blue."

Fall to your knees, bring on the rapture.

Blessed be the boys time can't capture

On film or between the sheets.

I always fall from your window to the pitch-black streets."_

I noticed another voice join in but I didn't stop

_"And with the black banners raised

As the crooked smiles fade.

Former heroes who quit too late.

Who just wanna fill up the trophy case again.

And in the end

I'll do it all again.

I think you're my best friend.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I'll be yours.

When it rains it pours.

Stay thirsty like before.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?"_

the person who joined in before seemed to sIng wanna sing this part so I allowed them just listening to their voice as I washed my hair.

_"I'm not passive but aggressive.

Take note it's not impressive.

Empty your sadness like you're dumping your purse on my bedroom floor

We put your curse in reverse.

And it's our time now if you want it to be.

Maul the world like a carnival bear set free.

And your love is anemic.

And I can't believe that you couldn't see it coming for me.

And I still feel that rush in my veins.

It twists my head just a bit too thin.

All those people in those old photographs I've seen are dead."_

I join again

_"And in the end

I'll do it all again.

I think you're my best friend.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I'll be yours.

When it rains it pours.

Stay thirsty like before.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

And sometimes I just wanna sit around and gaze at my shoes, yeah.

And let your dirty sadness fill me up just like a balloon.

And in the end

I'll do it all again.

I think you're my best friend.

And don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?

I'm yours.

When it rains it pours.

Stay thirsty like before.

Don't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren't alright?"_

After that I smile to myself. Then I hear the person Yell to me " your good, you wanna do that again another time?" Blushing on their comment about my voice I manage out a " s-sure! Your voice is good too though." I hear a noise. It sounded like they dropped something before they said "thanks" I hear their shower then off and they leave. I smile finishing up. Drying myself and getting dressed remembering to turn off for my's battery powered so I wanna get the most uses out of it, and I walk out of the bathroom can't waiting till my next shower duet session with my mysterious neighbor.

Done~ Fire here with a new fanfic that I'm kinda really liking at the moment! See ya next update!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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Singin in the shower (a Dear Evan Hansen Fanfiction/Tree bros)Where stories live. Discover now