Ciel's challenge

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AN: Japanese music and clothing such as what has been shown was introduced in at this time, I know it wasn't really but it's for the story.

Lizzy called for all the servants including Sebastian to gather in her room as they had gone there to get Ciel ready for his big moment.
They entered the room confused on the situation that they were being put into.
They settled down on the pink chairs and lounge chair that had been placed neatly in the front of the room.
~play video
They all watched flabbergasted at what Lizzy was able to get Ciel to do as he danced , with a SMILE, in a cat costume. Sebastian was finding it harder and harder to control himself as he watched his Ciel swing his hips to the time of the beat.
Once it had finished Ciel crawled his say to Sebastian moving as elegantly as a cat with grace would. He perched onto Sebastian's lap making sure everyone else was gone before doing the one thing he knew what set the butler off. You see the boy had watched his butler intently at the reactions he was giving during his performance. All were perfect. Ciel licked his lips as he leaned into the raven haired males ear."meow"Ciel whispered in a small, slightly high pitched voice as to resemble a cat. That was the last straw Sebastian couldn't contain himself any longer as he picked his master up from his thighs and carried him Elizabeth's bed. Oh well he'll clean it and apologise later....,,,

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