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Chapter 5 - Maybe

The ram's skull laid upon Holly, as if it were bound by soul and heart. The boy breathed quickly, unsure of what happened.  

"You brought this upon yourself, Holly. Now it is your destiny." The skull spoke movingly. "Wear me, I'll give you everything that I once had, but, you must promise me something. "

Holly never seen or heard something so distorted. The skull was already white, and the horns were large. 

"I'll do anything..." He cried, pushing the skin down. "Just don't tortment me no more!" 

The skull laid there, chuckling wholeheartedly in an evil spiral.  

"You brought this curse upon yourself. You are impure for your actions. Now you must prove that you better than the others." The horned object spoke. The boy suddenly fell to the ground, a gash was felt in his belly. "You must fight others who would love this gift of torment and hatred. Holly, pay attention."  

"I'm hurting. What are you doing to me?!" Holly shouted, grabbing the skull and trembling. 

"Listen, you going to change dramatically. Your bones are twisting to suit your new life as... something. I am your only hope in your new life. So, I suggest you hurry up and leave your village." The object chuckled. "Unless you want to die..." 

Holly froze, looking into the skull's sockets. They seemed like a void unending. Dazed, the boy leaned in, the skull seemed like a wanted treasure and never let go. 

"Why must I leave this place? Why will I die?" He asked, pulling away. It became silent. 

"Because, you became something that humans would never believe or think of seeing. Your now ruined and tainted." The skull said slowly. "Now hurry with your torment." 

Holly hunched over, gripping his stomach. The skull made a chuckling noise in his head as if it where there reaching a pinnacle. The young boy cried as a liquid poured through his soft blonde hair, rubbing one hand on it. Red was there.  

The blood continued to pour from him, as if it all needed to be rid of. Holly coughed roughly, it surged from his mouth and unable to breathe. His legs filled with a unnatural pain, as if they were moving to their liking.  

His legs shifted to a completely newer form, they became adapted to speed and easier to movement. Holly cried in pain with the sound of his new body cracking and moving with a relentless force. He rolled over, trying to escape, but he over found himself rolling in his own blood. A worthless and utterly stupid move of defense. 

"Please..." Holly blindly moved forward, only feeling that the ram's head moved in front of him. "Tell me what's happening to me..." The head only sighed. 

"Call me Ballith from now on. I am your only hope for survival now, after all." Ballith said with his distorted voice. "Your now a feral being. You must prey and find shelter to survive." Holly only cried in response, for his eyes have gone strange. 

The eyes of a ram. 

"What have I become?" Holly asked in a cry. 

"Like me... Before you killed me in prime." The ram answered. "Now get up. You must leave before your family notices you." 

Holly stumbled to stand, not used to his new legs. He heard a clip. The boy felt a new wind as well and feeling of relief. The skull floated onto his head, giving him an energy and instinct.  

"Now, listen to me and live. Fail to do so, you will fail." Ballith murmured. Holly nodded. "Let me show you how to move in this body." 

Holly felt his eyes forcefully close, seeing how this advanced being worked. It seemed so beautiful and natural to him now. 

The young beast found himself scrambling outside, the dark night shrouded around him in a lonely embrace. He felt a hungry gash that stung him and twisted inside.  

The ram head guided him to a gull and told him to wait. Curious, Holly waited almost in a obedient fashion. He waited till the moment was perfect and his teeth dripped with a unsatisfied taste. Till the moment was perfect, he waited till the prey was in place and his stomach could take it no more. 

Ballith made a scolding noise as Holly panted in impatience. It only made the wait seem longer to the boy and he only stumbled in his stance.

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