Don't Go Exo ( english ver by Silv3rT3ar )

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Your small wings fluttering

As if they were waving

Seemed like you were telling me to follow after you

Your sad eyes looked at me

As you told your story

It was that night that the wind blew you right into my heart

My mind keeps wandering; thinking of you 

I'm the one that is completely captivated by you

It's like I'm mesmerized

Forgot to breathe, oh my

If this is love I'm willing to go anywhere with you

It's like we're dancing

When I'm with you I'm not scared of anything

Be it a second or eternity

I know where I want to be

So baby don't go

Yeah, Take me anywhere and we will walk together forever oh

Oh, and when the world's ending I'll be right by you side 

Please don't leave when the morning comes, please don't just disappear

Please tell me that you'll always here, oh

Is as if I'm dreaming

Don't fly away my beautiful butterfly

Silv3rt3ar EXO English Version LyricsWhere stories live. Discover now