Untitled Part 1

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"Pookie, have you taken your vitamin today?"

I raised my head temporary relocating my attention from my 3DS to Dr. Sean's voice coming from the kitchen. Hearing that beloved nickname brought a burst of giggles to my lips. Right on cue my handsome doctor peeked his head out. My giggles kept going and I didn't bother hiding them.

"You keep that up you know what I will have to do." Dr. Green playfully glared at me only causing my giggles to get even worse. Hey, it was his fault for looking at me like that.

"Are you going to cure me then Dr. Sean? Or do I have to look elsewhere for my cure?" I teased feeling slightly confident.

"Oh no, the only one who's kisses have the power to cure those giggles are yours truly." Dr. Green smiled as he leaned in attaching his lips to mine in a sweet kiss.

I returned the kiss letting my 3DS slide off my lap and adjusting so I was facing Dr. Sean. After two weeks with spending a few days each with my boys, I had been able to relax and take in the fact that we were all going to try for the 'plan'. It had taken a lot of convincing on Kota's part, but I had figured out he was doubting it because he had he had been doubting himself and my true feelings for him.

I knew I had to show him just how I felt for him. For his birthday week I did spend as much time with him as I could. The ending results were more then I could have ever hoped for.

As Dr. Green deepened the kiss his phone buzzed and he let out a groan, "Sorry Pookie, looks like this prescription is out until I can refill it for you."

I giggled again at the reference but this time stopped myself when I noticed the look in his eyes, "Dr. Sean?"

"It's Owen, he's coming over."

I blinked, confused, "Do you not want him to? He's never been against-"

Dr. Green held up his hand, "No, I know he does not mind whenever one of us is affectionate with you. He is in his own way too. I specifically gave him doctor's orders to basically take the day off and sleep."

"So I was right. Mr. Blackbourne has not been sleeping." I felt a sudden rush of guilt fill me, "I will have to apologize to him when he gets here."

Dr. Green quirked an eyebrow, "Apologize? Whatever for?"

"Well, " I said as I began fiddling with the fabric of my light pink and white plaid pajama bottoms, "With the mission at Ashley Waters, and having to help me at camp, and dealing with Mr. Hendricks, and Volto-"

Dr. Green quickly caught on and he pressed a finger to my lips shushing me, "Sang, none of that is your fault. When we took themission at Ashley Waters, we did not know all that was going to happen or what it all entailed. Now, no we weren't going in blind either but still."


Dr. Green shook his head cutting off my protest, "Sang, sweetie listen to me. Owen's lack of sleep is not your fault. Never think that. He just has a lot on his plate right now and ever since we were kids he has been a stubborn jackass. He insists on figuring out the solution earning the right to rest, then and only then does he reap his reward."

"But wasn't one of the problems he was facing, trying to figure out how to get me out of that house?" I asked, "That was a success wasn't it? Surely he would allow himself time to sleep after that."

Dr. Green nodded, "Yeah, you are right. And he did. I made him sleep for a whole day. Despite his efforts to stay awake."

"How?" I asked.

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