Chapter 3

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A/N Sorry that this chapter has taken me so long, but it is a bit longer than the others and like most of you I have lots of exams at the moment and at this right Wattpad is going to make me fail.


Chapter 3  

Jamie's P.O.V  

I stand by the fountain in the square in town waiting for Isabella; we always meet here before meeting the others. As I wait I replay what happened last night in my mind.  

I don’t know how I knew something was wrong; all of a sudden I could just feel her fear. Then once the thought that Isabella was in danger passed through my mind, it wouldn’t leave. I had to find out if she was okay.   I had been right, she wasn’t okay, and I haven’t seen her look that vulnerable for nearly a year. Since she was turned into a vampire, she had managed to keep up her tough act since then.  


I checked my phone; one message.  

                                                     George has turned someone.  

                                                 Meet us normal time, normal place.


That’s funny; George has always been dead set against turning anyone. I arrive in the woods by the big oak at 11:00; normal place, normal time ready to meet the rest of The Watchers.  

Sky jumps down from a nearby tree and tries to jump me but by now I’m used to her little surprises. I spin to my left to escape from her reach and pin her by the neck to a tree. “Stop it” Oliver, the leader of The Watchers, warns us as he materialises from behind the oak.   

“Drop dead” Sky snarls at me.

“Ladies first” I chuckle but let her go. She is such a sore loser.  

Tom saunters over and we all wait anxiously for Charlie and George. Well, I’m anxious; this is the first time someone has been turned since I have joined The Watchers. The last time someone had been turned, it was me.  

Then Charlie appears, closely followed by George who is carrying a body, a young girl’s body. Everyone closes in to get a closer look except for me. George carefully places the girl onto the floor as if trying not to unsettle her. He brushes her hair from out of her face and steps back to join Charlie. Then I see her face properly.  

The breath which I hadn’t realised I was holding is knocked out of me, I run towards her and fall to my knees beside her small, crumpled body.  

I didn’t realise I was crying until I see the tears fall on to her perfect face as I pull her tiny body on to my lap and hold her tight. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. “Bella” I whimper her name as I rock her, like you would a small child. I try to dry her face of my tears and brush her beautiful, soft, long hair away from her face.  

“Do you know this girl Jamie?” I briefly hear Oliver ask me but what he is saying doesn’t register. All I see is Isabella.

I can hear Charlie slowly walk up behind me, giving me a chance to react. He crouches down next to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Jamie?” he asks in a gentle voice, I’ve always liked Charlie, and he is my favourite of The Watchers. “Do you know her?” he repeats what Oliver asked.  

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