Trouble with Pirates - Chapter 1

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A few warnings:

- Important to know, this may contain spoilers for people who are not up-to-date with the manga and anime. I don't know what is going to happen, this is just my take on it.

- English is not my first language. (first language is Dutch! whoot whoot!)

- Not a quick writer, I work fulltime at the moment and a new part time education that I do at home, so I have to focus on that first before I write. I mostly write on weekends and during breaks at work.

- I Don't own Naruto or One piece, they belong to Kishimoto and Oda. (if I did own them, Asuma, Jiraiya and Ace would still be alive, also Jimbei would already have joined, cause he is awesome!).

- I also do not own the cover image, but it looked so right for my story. 

- The story is set two years after the war in Naruto and after defeating Kaidou in One Piece. Some characters may seem different, that's because I have trouble to really nail them down. That is also a reason why I did a time skip.

P.S. I want to thank RisingNight, my beta, for his editing.

Reading Guide

"Gaki" Biju talking

'Gaki' Biju thinking

"Hello" Person talking

'Hello' Person thinking

"Gaara stared up at the half full moon" Flashback

-Elemental Countries - Place

Chapter One

- Thousand Sunny -

"Yosha!" Luffy said as he walk out of the kitchen, "Thanks for breakfast Sanji. Hey Nami, where are we?"

"That would be nice to know, but I don't have a single point of reference in this fog," Nami said as she looked down at the eternal log pose to see if anything had changed. Noticing a change she started to get paler and paler by the second.

"Nami? Are you okay?" Usopp asked. "Oy, Chopper, can you take a look at Nami?"

"No problem!" the reindeer replied.

"No, I'm fine," Nami said. "However, we are not fine. According to the log pose there are dangerous islands in all three directions. But that can't be true, that could only happen if," Nami's voice started to waver, "if we were in the Area. There shouldn't be an island this big in the New World or Paradise for that matter," she continued.

"Robin!" Luffy yelled, "What's Nami talking about? She's pretty spooked."

"Well," Robin replied in her perpetually calm voice, "The only places where islands can be big enough to even be considered continents or a mainland are in the West, North, South or East Blue. Legend has it that Sea Kings used to move from the one Calm Belt to the other through the Grand Line and New World smashing up island as they went. However, this is questioned since a more logical explanation exists. The lack of large landmasses in the Grand Line is most likely due to the rough seas it's famous for. The sea would constantly be eroding any growing islands. On the other hand, this could also be caused by the magnetic fields the islands in the Grand Line possess." Almost the entire Strawhat crew nodded their heads in understanding. Luffy was nodding to, but he didn't get it nearly as well as he thought he did.

'The mystery sea makes the islands small,' he mused off in his own little world.

"You are as beautiful as you are smart, Robin-swaaan," Sanji sang.

Suddenly the Sunny shook throwing the entire crew onto the deck.

"What the hell was that?" Zoro grumbled as he rubbed the back of his head.

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