Personalities shine through

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Day by day each child's personalities were starting to show more and more. Take the Imoids for example: both identical with chestnut brown hair and were joined at the head. That's why they shared the same name just like everything else. They had very excitable personalities, always eager to do more. When it came to the daily chores that each child had to do between 12-3 pm , they would always lend a helping hand to others and complete other peoples chores as well as their own. Best friends with Crème who also helped others, meant they were never short of social time.  Mr Samuel would often have to tell them to be quiet when they would endlessly be talking at night.

Void. He had large orange eyes enabling him to see in the dark. However he was a very shy 18 year old boy and very much kept himself to himself. His passion was space and he would collect anything perculiar that he found on the plaza under his bed. On the walls around his bed were posters of planets that had appeared one day after he had found his first asteroid. This shortly followed bedsheets with the same design on laying neatly on his bed. That day, Minnie had been sitting on his bed when they appeared.

"Woahhh" Minnie shouted excitedly. "What is that?" She looked around curiously for Mr and Mrs Samuels.

Mr Samuel entered the room.

"You alright there Minnie?"

" Yeah but I wanted to ask you why suddenly these have appeared around Voids bed," She said gesturing to the posters and the new astronaut bedsheets.

"Oh I see. Well when your personality starts to show you too will have your own new bedsheet and posters all unique to you."  Mr Samuel replied that day.

"Cool." Minnie smiled.

2 days later, Ist had her new bedsheet and posters. They had a beautiful girly design of princesses just like her interest. She was a very small girl who had a huge cheesy smile regularly stretched across her face. Since she was only 3, she would spent most of her time playing with toys alongside Eveit and Veho.

Eveit who was a year younger then her was obsessed with the stars. She would stare at them and was mesmerised by them. Therefore when it came round to the day of her poster appearing , each poster was covered in stars. When she saw it she let out an eardrum bursting ­­­­­­screech.

"Starrrrssss" She screamed in her cute little toddler voice showing her excitement.

14 year old Blici was a big lover of dogs and cats as she was best friends with Tnue ( turns into dog) and Burr ( Half cat). With her 3 arms, she loved to stroke anything furry. That's why when her personality started to come through she didn't have posters appear instead her own puppy appeared and was sitting quietly that day underneath her bed with covers that had been changed now with  dogs and cats all over them.

Tnue loved to use his power more than anyone else; he would regularly change to be a dog. His favourite thing was bones as he would play games with Eveit and was fascinated with her see though skin.

After their daily chores, they would have 2 hours off play. Just like most of the other children, Burr loved playtime. It was a time when she could really embrace her power as a cat. She would spend it mainly alongside Tnue, Blici, Cina, Frith. They would together get up to all sorts of things. Burrs obsession was playing catch and sport games. In the playroom that was next to the bedroom, there was a set of toys all different to what each child would like. For Burr there was this ball with a bell in it that she loved playing with.

Led and Starch were inseparable best friends. They had some much in common and got a long so well. They both loved joking around with each other and Led in particular liked telling jokes. Together they would pull pranks on other residents and were very mischievous.

One day, they pranked Mr and Mrs Samuels into thinking that Starch had gone missing and fallen off the plaza when actually he was hiding under Leds bed. It took 2 hours until they finally realized and Led and Starch were banned from playtime.

Bronze was another one who really loved her power (flexibility).Most days she would be seen walking around on her hands and luckily for her, one day a bar had appeared on the wall next to her bed and she was from that point onwards obsessed with flipping and twisting on it. Her closest friend was Aqua.

Aqua just like her power, loved water. She had a very unique job of filling up the bath -that had appeared 5 days after the children had arrive there- for everyone. She would take off her black, silk gloves in order to do this. Sometimes she was use her power for other things. For example when people annoyed her she would splash a little water in their face.Some thought it were cruel but she thought it was funny. She also used her power for pranks, she would leave a puddle on the floor and Ove would then freeze it making people slip. Ove was very cheeky and like Aqua often used her power for her own entertainment.

Coty was a caring, young 17 year old who loved looking after the younger children. She adored caring for little Veho, Cruise, Exter. Also, she was very close to Cina who would paint hearts for her all over the walls next to her bed. Lots of the other children liked her because she was very sweet and sometimes she would fill in for Mr and Mrs Samuels at night during the bedtime story. She rarely used her power.

Crusie and Exter were like brother and sister. They would get along on a good day but other days they would often bicker and argue over who got that toy and random other pointless stuff. Dust would get involved telling them to stop since she was very much the peacemaker in most situations and tried constantly to keep happy. There would rarely be a day that didn't go past where she wouldn't be smiling and happy.

Yoon got on very well with Frith and dulgendt and when it came to playtime with them, they would spend most of it playing around with each others powers. Yoon loved walking through walls, especially when she played with dolls and she could get the dolls to also walk through the walls of the dolls house. Frith enjoyed being in the dark where he could show off his power of lighting up and with Dulgendt they would play around a lot with his power, playing all sorts of games with his bubbles.

Minnie, a really confident girl who loved socialising and making friends. She was happy the day Zrya arrived and she became instant friends with her. She also loved playing sports at playtime like basketball in the net that was provided.

Last but not least, there was Zyra who at first was the total opposite of Minnie. She was so shy she would sit on her own at playtime reading comic books as she hated big crowds. As part of her addition to her bed, a book shelf had appeared complimenting her love of reading. There on the book shelf sat a bunch of books all about Earth. Her knowledge of Earth grew as she read more and more of these books. Her power. It was unknown to everyone, even herself. Everyday she would spend hours trying to figure out what it was but she could never quite put her finger on it. However one day, she figured it out.

It was a breezy day on the plaza and everyone was playing in the playroom. She was sitting on her book designed bed sheets quietly reading when the page of the book turned all by itself. This puzzled her how this was possible. Whilst thinking about this, it happened again. It seemed as if  when she thought about it, it happened. Was it the power of her mind? She decided to test it out so she closed the book and thought very hard about the book and the page number that she at and all of a sudden almost like magic, the book turned to that page that she thinking of. She had discovered her power; she had the power of mind control...

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