Foot prints

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Hi guys this is my first story that I'm making so it will probably be rubbish but here goes, also it does start off a little slow, but lets get on with it xx

I was late again, my cousin was going to kill me! " oh look who finally decided to show up" said my cousin Jade. "Sorry," I said " I lost track of time. "Yeah, probably finishing off your makeup to make yourself look 'flawless'. Jade was always doing this to me, winding me up purposely to the point finally where I would explode with outrage and anger. But I did always forgive her pretty quick, after all we where just like sisters we just had our ups and downs. It always made it easier for jade to wind me up since I was younger than her so it obviously made me an easy target! "This winter weather is starting to nip" it was already snowing and I replied "You think!".

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