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Taehyung felt beat. He was up late last night helping Namjoon clean up the coffee they had spilled. Who knew a coffee maker could explode anyway? Coffee had gotten everywhere. Worst of all, coffee had ruined the apron Jungkook had bought for Yoongi. Taehyung winces as he remembers how, even after scrubbing with bleach, the stain didn't come out. Not even a little bit.

Taehyung sighs, sitting up in his bed. He figures it's no use thinking about it so much. He might at well wait for them to discover it or come clean himself.

Breakfast goes smoothly as the boys eat their food. Yoongi had made them all omelets, each one specific to each member's taste. Taehyung feels even more horrible with each bite.

After a while, Yoongi puts his fork down. The loud clatter jostle them out of their conversations. Taehyung keeps his head down as the others look at Yoongi, Jimin asking what's wrong.

Yoongi sighs. Taehyung can hear the scraping of his chair as the older stands up. He flinches at the gentle touch of his hair. Then relaxes slightly when he sees the others leave them to talk.

"What's wrong?" Taehyung sighs, trembling. He hates disappointing his hyungs. He's still a maknae. He looks up to the others. Even he knows he's way too old to be making messes.

"I-Hyung, I ruined something of yours..." The soft petting stops and Yoongi removes his hand. He clears his throat.

"Did you do it because you were mad at me?" Yoongi mutters, unsure. Taehyung jumps to his feet, turning to face him.

"Of course not! It was an accident. I swear!" He spits out. Yoongi takes hold of the younger's wrist. He smooths over a vein with his thumb. The gesture makes Taehyung's cheeks feel hot. He steps closer though, trying to seem trustworthy. He hopes Yoongi believes him.

"Then... What happened?" His words, tone, posture... All suggest he isn't angry. Not at all. In fact, he seems forgiving.

"The coffee machine exploded. The apron that Jungkook got you was ruined, hyung. I didn't mean to! I was just trying to help Namjoon hyung fix it last night-" He pauses. He forgot to breath as he said all of it. Yoongi pulls Taehyung forward, resting their foreheads together.

"As long as you explain what happened to Jungkook, apologize and make it right... There shouldn't be a problem." Taehyung beams. He jumps up and down before tightly squeezing Yoongi. Yoongi groans until Taehyung realizes he might not be able to breath.

He sets Yoongi down and Taehyung smiles. Yoongi kisses Tae's forehead as quick as he can before escaping. Taehyung stands there dazed, before chasing after him.

"Come back here! You can't kiss me and run!!!"

"Watch me!!"

"Take responsibility!!"


"Your lips!!!"


Jungkook turns to look at his leader. He clutches his chest, faking pain. Jin gasps.

"What's wrong, JK?"

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"What's wrong, JK?"

"I'm allergic to soft."

"So... You want me to make you hard, Kookie?" Jimin smirks.



"Shut up, pervert. It takes more than that to get into my pants!" Jimin rests his hand on the small of Jungkook's back. He leans over and whispers...

"I have Ironman."


"See you, hyungs." Jungkook chirps happily. He practically runs to Jimin's room. Jin shrugs before walking away. Namjoon stares at Yoongi as he runs from Tae.


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