The train Ride

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Before Sidney knew it it was time for Hogwarts so she packed her trunk full she put he wand, Robs, school books and her clothes and put Midnight on the trunk. Then she went down stairs as fast as she could without running she was eating breakfast as fast as she could because they would leave in 25 minutes. Then she went upstairs and got  changed into the things she  was wearing the day she went to diagon ally. Then Mrs Weasley shouted
Then Sidney grabbed her trunk and Midnight plus her note book and quill. Sidney got in the car between Ron and Ginny it was quite cramped in the back seats. When they got there they had 5 minutes to get to platform 9 3/4, so they rushed as fast as they could to the platform . Fred and George went first and they played a joke on Mrs Weasley saying one was the other Sidney found it pretty funny. Before Ron and Sidney went through a boy asked Mrs Weasley how to get on to the platform then Mrs Weasley told him to run strait into the wall and he looked a bit worried to run into the wall. After he went it was Sidney's turn to go through the wall when she did she lost sight of Ron as he went first. So what she did was put her stuff except her notebook and quill in the storage space. She went to bored the train but before she got on the train someone Sidney's age pushed her out of the way she had brown hair just like Sidney minus the green strips and Grey eyes when she turned around to say
She looked a lot like Sidney. It was Charlotte.
When she got on the train she guessed that Ron Had found a compartment already so she looked  for a empty compartment but all of them were full until she found one with a boy with brown hair sitting by himself. Sidney wrote down on her notebook
'Hey all the compartments are full can I sit here?'
then she knocked on the glass and showed him. He said yes. After a few minutes later  he introduced himself as  neville longbottom.
Sidney wrote on her notebook
'Hey Neville I'm Sidney'
Then Sidney saw a toed hop away from Neville and she wrote
'Neville your toed hopped away'
and you taped him on his shoulder and showed him. He started to panic and ask Sidney if she could go find help and find him, Sidney nodded her head and wrote on her notebook
'Hey have you seen a toed a boy called Neville has lost his'
She went to the one next to them a girl with frizzy hair was sitting alone reading a book. Sidney knocked on the window and the girl looks up from her book and read the note book she said
"No but I'll help you look"
and before she left she said
"You better change into your robs we would  be arriving soon"
So when she left Sidney went back to the  compartment Neville was waiting there for Sidney then Sidney wrote down 'No luck'
then Sidney went to grab her ribs and Neville asked
"Sidney are you going to get dressed?"
Sidney then nodded and she was off without her notebook. On the way there she bumped into some one and she slipped past them and went to go get changed,she then looked back at the person and the person was looking and when Sidney looked that person quickly turned around. When she got to the bathroom to changed. A few minutes later she was back in the compartment Neville was not there so she just said to her self he went to the bathroom to get changed. Then when Neville came back Sidney was fast asleep.

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