Chapter 12: A Melody of death: Part 1

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Andre's disappearance was rather alarming to say the least. He wasn't the type to leave while he had the upper hand. Stranger still, leaving Chico, who was already in his captivity.

Drez questioned Melody on what she saw as she was the only witness.

"From what I can tell," She began, "He didn't leave alone. There was this hooded figure. Didn't say anything or do anything. They just left."

"Are you sure there weren't any identifiable features?"

"There was a ring with a snake on it. I saw Andre give them it."

"I could use that to find them! You don't see many rings like that running around."

"I could help you. After all I know what it looks like."

Melody and Drez sat down at the computer and began tracing the ring. After a few minutes of researching, they found the ring they were looking for.

"This can't be right..." Drez began.

A chuckle came from behind him. "It isn't..."


"Drez?" Chico yelled, "Drez, where are you? If this is hide and seek again, it isn't funny."

It had been a few hours since Drez's disappearance. Melody had also vanished and no trace of the two were to be found.

"Calling won't be very effective if they were kidnapped." Stephen informed the girl.

"Oh, you're just a little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" Paz complained

"I'm only stating facts."

"But you're right..." The three turned around to see a hooded figure. They were tall and lean. The only discernable feature was their gloves, the left of which housed a golden ring with an insignia of a snake.


Without warning, they quickly disarmed Paz, using her sword against her before roundhouse kicking her in the face and knocking her out cold. Stephen attempted to use his shurikens before being slammed against the wall and, too, falling. Chico managed to fling a rock in their face, lifting their hood.

"Why did..."

The person laughed before knocking her out as well.

Project: Birdie is almost complete...

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