Chapter 3 the luv of my life🖤

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Well the love of my life name is Brittany Byrd. Yes it's the pink headed girl you see in the picture. I express my feeling about her such as in the song Xo tour life like I said I don't really care if you cry. I'm full of anxiety all because of her it's like I don't feel the same without her she's the other half of my heart🖤. I feel like if I don't have her I can't live. Brittany and I was supposed to be married but she cheated. I feel so many ways about her it's like I love her and hate her at the same time. Like some of you guys may think I'm crazy but in the inside I'm hurt. As you know I just dropped luv is rage 2 and it have some deep meanings in it.  I feel really cold hearted all because of one girl and she don't know how I really feel about her.  If you didn't know we were called team rocket

I even made a song about it as you see that's how close we was and it really hurts that she cheated on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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