Broken Rules.

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(Horny boys in a gang. Inspired by "Outsiders" cause why not :^) ) 


He ran through a back ally, his breaths becoming out in ragged huffs as he ran. He was caught in the act and could still hear the running feet of the rival gang.

"Arthur, come back!"

A small smile appeared on his face. His shoes pounded against hard pavement and brick as he striped through the dark streets. He was so close to his territory, nearly home, but one stupid slip up had him falling onto his face. A loud curse escaped his lips as he tripped over a large trash can and collapsed on the hard pavement.

"Ow, fuck!" he hissed, his chest aching from the impact.

He started to pick himself up, now he could hear the footsteps getting closer, and he cursed once more as he found himself surrounded.

"Arthur, Arthur, so nice to finally see you. We only want a civilized conversation."

A series of cackling laughs broke out at the sarcastic statement. Arthur got up from the ground.

"So, what brings you here Arthur? You know this is my territory."

Arthur timidly swallowed as he caught his breath and looked at the leader of the gang, Victor (insert yuri on ice theme). With the colours of purple, black, and white, Victor ruled the northern part of the city with his so-called gang.(As Arthur puts it) He was also the biggest asshole Arthurs ever met. The young man glared at Alfred as he stood silently before him.

"Uh, you got the wrong guy," Arthur said, failing to hide his face.

Victor smirked, knowing full well that the teen behind the bandana and oversized hoodie was none other than his archrival.

"You really want to play around, don't you, Arthur?" Victor asked, amused. "Though I admit it's not surprising since you are the ringleader of that circus you call a gang."

Arthur gave a light laugh and shrugged his shoulders.

"My men are no more a circus than you are a whore, but then again I don't know what you do in your spare time," Arthur said tauntingly as he looked Victor up and down.

Victor was dressed in a black trench coat, probably something that a child molester would wear. The coat hugged his form and made him look even taller than what he was.

"Always with the jokes," Victor muttered, annoyed, as he started to walk around Arthur.

Arthur watched Victor circle him, like an animal about to reach for his prey not that it's different. His usual band of thugs smirked and snickered at him. They knew what Victor was about to do, and so did Arthur, having been in this situation a couple of times. He couldn't help that he wanted to fuck with Victor. The guy was just asking to be fucked with.

"I'm feeling pretty merciful today, so how about you tell me what you were doing here and I won't break your teeth in. I know you have to give your little speech tomorrow, and it'd be a shame to damage that pretty face," Victor said with a leer as he reached for his long "child-molesting" coat and pulled out an old beaten bat with a few nails still intact.

"Fine," Arthur stated then reached up to pull his bandana down off his mouth, "I was here returning the "gift" your men gave to me. One of your men "played" with one of mine, you know the rules and unfortunately, he broke one." Arthur looked directly at Victor, not backing down from his intimidation act.

Victor frowned as he heard this, and tapped his bat against his shoe. He looked at his men carefully, and before the one he had signalled out with his eyes could even react, the bat was straight up his face. The force of the impact sent the teen to the ground as he howled in pain.

"Ah, damn it! What the fuck was that for?!" the teen shouted, holding his face in pain.

"You, I know it was you that did it," Victor growled at the bleeding boy. "I didn't order you to do anything to Arthur's men, yet you did anyway. You're truly an annoyance. If you don't stop, I can promise you the next thing I hit won't be so easy to heal."

He snarled at Victor, but he just scoffed at him then looked back at Arthur.

"Looks like your men aren't very loyal," Arthur said, and Victor was instantly in his face, his expression dark with distaste.

"Like your gang of kindergarteners are any better," he spat.

"At least my kindergarteners know how to act unlike yours," Arthur retorted, then glanced up at the dark sky to see it was already past midnight. "Look, it's getting late, so how about we kiss and make up, then beat each other up later? Like, then we can have some fun." Arthur suggested as he gave Victor a smile, completely unfazed as he rested his bat on his shoulder.

"You are too cocky, but I'll agree. I will hold you to that beating," Victor said coolly as he trailed his pipe along Arthur's cheek. "Perhaps then I shall give you the discipline you need."

He looked at Victor oddly, but nodded his head and shoved the bat away.

"You are the creepiest guy ever, like, don't rape anyone," Arthur said. "You know that, right?"

Victor laughed at this, then moved to punch Arthur square in the face, but stopped his hand before it collided with Arthur's cheek.

"Get the hell out."

Arthur moved to the side to face Victor's face, rather than his fist and gave an over exaggerated love-struck sigh.

"Alrighty babe, see you later then," Alfred said teasingly, then blew a kiss to the other teen before turning to his gang. "Nice to see you boys as well."

Victor shook his head, and Arthur waved goodbye as he started to back away.

"I look forward to bashing in your face, Arthur!" Victor called out.

"I'm touched!" Arthur shouted back, throwing out another kiss, then turned away and took off.

Once Arthur was out of sight, Victor's smile turned and he looked back to his gang.

"Well, let's head back," Victor said. His tone made it clear that it was a command, not a request. "I believe some of you need an attitude adjustment. "

He stepped toward the boy, who was still sitting on the ground. He grabbed the bleeding boy by the collar of his jacket and shirt and proceeded to drag the older teen behind him as he headed to the unkown. 


Edit: Title. 

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