Chapter 1

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Barry POV

I was talking to Cisco and Caitlin on my computer when Caitlin yelled at me because of the way I was acting. I was acting the complete opposite of my regular self when I am pretending to be someone I'm not. The jerk Sebastian Smythe isn't me, Barry Allen, the guy who lost his mother and his father is in jail, that is me.

"BARRY ALLEN ARE YOU PAYING ANY ATTENTION AT ALL!?" Caitlin yells. Yeah she's angry alright.

"Calm down Cait." Cisco says trying to calm her.

"Cisco, man, I deserve to be yelled at ten times louder and longer than what she is doing right now." I say.

"Exactly." Caitlin growls.

I hear voices coming from behind my door. "One sec guys." I say and open the door. Half the Warblers and some if the New Directions fall in. "Where you eavesdropping?" I say kinda angry.

"Well kinda, we heard voices so we went to see what is was about..." Jeff starts and gets interrupted

"So Mericat, who is Barry Allen?" Kurt asks.

"It's a long story." I say.

"No it's not!" Cait yells from my computer screen.

"What mericat?" Cisco asks very confused about that nickname.

"One sec." I say and walk towards the computer. "See ya soon Cisco. And Cait, please don't be so angry at me." I say. I'm kinda sad to be saying goodbye because I haven't talked to them in a few weeks now and I used to see them everyday.

"Okay see ya Barry." Cisco says.

"See you soon Barry." Caitlin says.

"Bye." I say and turn my computer off.

"So who is Barry Allen? They called you Barry Allen, why?" Blaine asks.

"You might wanna sit down before I tell you. It's actually is a long story." I say and they all sit on the floor like little kids.

I sigh and start by saying "Okay, my real name isn't Sebastian Smythe. It's Barry Allen, and I'm from Central City and I am know there as The Flash, but everyone calls me Barry, so please keep it a secret. I wouldn't be able to handle it if anyone found out. The name Sebastian Smythe was my friend Caitlin's idea."

"What else?" Trent asks.

"Here is my back story and why I came here. I really don't want to tell it, but I guess I kinda have to. So here we go." I say and they look happy about what I'm gonna be telling them, when actually it starts sad, the middle is good and the end is sad. So hopefully no one cries, because I'm not good at comforting people.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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