Mama | Yoonseok

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Name: Mama | Yoongi X Hoseok



Yoongi was a tattoo artist and is married to his job which was his way to avoid the heartaches and emotionally wounding situations of life. His friends had noticed that his problems with sleeping had begun to rule his life. So most of them pestered Yoongi to try something even if it wasn't professional help, along with his friends forcing him to go out and try and meet someone at the same time. He had decided to take his friends advice, upon getting help from the guy jin had set him up with he realised how much worse his sleeping problems would and could become. On top of that Yoongi doesn't believe it would work because it all seemed so made up and supernatural. However, Yoongi had come to terms with his problems and realised that if the problem didn't exist he would be more tolerable of the people around him and the people that call him a friend.



- *On my Profile SOON* -

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