Chapter 7

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My heart immediately sank to my stomach. Gryffindor, really? I felt a little dizzy, but I pushed my self to not make a scene and hurried over to the assigned Gryffindor table where Hannah was waving for me to sit next to her. I sat down and older students started to shake my hand and I returned it politely, but I needed a moment to gather my thoughts.

"Me? A Gryffindor? How--why? This....doesn't make any since..." I thought to myself while I put my head in my hands. Hannah put her hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I just...I feel kind of queasy in my stomach...." I said for an excuse. An older student that sat next to me, I assumed she was in her third or fourth year, looked at me. "Well, I hope not. Because they're almost done calling the other first years, then it's time to eat." She said excitingly. I have heard many great things about the food in Hogwarts. Like how they have a feast for every meal, every day.

Professor McGonagoll got done with the last remaining students, the last one was a girl who got in Slytherin as she sat down at the table. Professor McGonagoll stood up on a stool and happily gave her announcement. "I hope all of you have made a good impression to each other because the students in your house are your family for the rest of your time here at Hogwarts. Now, just to be clear, this is the only time up until the end of the year the houses will be split in different tables. Students can sit with anyone they want to at meal time, even with people from other houses."

I heard that this was a new thing that they did last year and it seemed to work out. I noticed a lot of students gave looks to others at this announcement. I didn't have any opinion to this because the only friend I had was Hannah at the time, although there was Aaron and Carolyn--but I quickly though they had other friends. Professor McGonagoll shushed everyone to get their attention again. "Before we start the meal, I need to make some other important announcements. You are not to leave your house at night, nor skip classes without an important reason, nor go outside of the castle, nor go to the Forbidden Forest, because you will certainly have a chance of death in that forest." She said exclusively and students exchanged uneasy looks. Professor McGonagoll continued, "Any student who does so will be punished--and might have a possibility of being expelled."

The others responded to this with silent, questionable murmurs. "Now!" Professor McGonagoll clapped her hand together. "Let us feast!" Immediately food was brought to the table in floating silver platters. The plater opened to reveal piles of delicious food. We would have big meals at my home, but this was beyond anything I could imagine. Plates of well cooked breaded park chop.

 Plates of well cooked breaded park chop

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Bowls of fluffy mashed potatoes.

Bowls of fluffy mashed potatoes

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