Are you Ready For The #1 Girl Tour? Part 1

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~Day Before Tour Starts~

Evelyn: *packing her bags* You two should start packing your stuff. 

Brianna: I will! After I  go to the mall...

Ania: You just went yesterday! 

Brianna: Yeah, but I didn't get everything I need.

Evelyn: You came back with more than what you need, Brianna.

Brianna: So...

Ania: Oh yeah, she has to be absolutely perfect for Prod. *laughs*

Brianna: Shush ya face. -__-

Evelyn: *laughs* 

Brianna: Less about me! Why aren't your bags packed, Ania? Hmm?

Ania: Because...

Evelyn: Because???

Ania: Because I haven't started to pack yet.

Evelyn: -___- Smart ass.

*Kiki walks in* 

Kiki: Yo!! 

Ania: Sup!!

Evelyn: What's good?!

Brianna: What's crackin?!

Kiki: Find out when we leave yet?

Evelyn: My mom said she'll drop us off at 9.

Brianna: So we gotta be back here by 8.

Kiki: Okay, cool

Ania: Yeah, but I do have to go to the mall. 

Brianna: Then lets go!

Evelyn: MOOOOOOM!!

Jennifer: Yes?!!

Evelyn: Can you take us to the mall? Pleaaaaaase?

Jennifer: Fine..Let's go.

*They go to the mall*

Brianna: All I need are some shoes.

Kiki: You got, like, 6 pairs yesterday.

Brianna: Does it matter?

Kiki: Y--

Brianna: No.. 

Ania: Brianna, you're banned from shopping.

Brianna: But--

Ania: Nope! No if, ands or buts.

Brianna: *rolls her eyes* Fine...

Evelyn: I need two more outfits. I'll meet up with you guys later. *goes in a store*

Kiki: Okay. 

Brianna: Since I can't shop I'll go hit up the food court. 

Kiki: I'll come too. I finished all my packing earlier.

Brianna: Alright. Ania, you and Ev can come meet us at the food court when you guys are done.

Ania: Kay.

*Brianna and Kiki go to the food and Ania goes into a store*

Brianna: So, like, how do you feel about this?

Kiki: about what?

Brianna: Us going on tour with the guys. 

Kiki: Oh, well I'm not sure. It's gonna be just like any other time we spend with them.

Brianna: But we're gonna be with them for about 2 or 3 months. 

Kiki: Well, there's not really much to say, Bri.

Brianna: I'm just nervous that we might spend a little bit too much time with them.

Kiki: What do you mean?

Brianna: Ya know when you spend everyday with someone and they just get boring? I'm afraid it'll be like that.

Kiki: Bri, listen to yourself.....We spend every single day with each other and do we get tired of each other?

Brianna: No, but--

Kiki: Just calm down, Bri. Everything will be cool...Alright?

Brianna: *sighs* Ok.

*Ania and Evelyn catch up with them* 

Evelyn: We're ready to go!

Kiki: Alright let's go.

*they go home and get ready for Day 1 of the #1 Girl Tour*

~To Be Continued.

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